Illinois Medicine

Vol. 19 - Spring 2016

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Our mission is to enhance the health of the citizens of Illinois by educating physicians, biomedical scientists and innovators, advancing knowledge of health and disease, and providing health care in a setting of education and research. Education We are committed to our educational strategies and to the enhancement of student achievement and leadership. We provide an innovative active-learning educational environment for our diverse body of students, and we are implementing plans to achieve the convergence of engineering and medicine as well as modernize the physical educational spaces in the historic College of Medicine building. Research The College of Medicine will further focus research endeavors on fostering interdisciplinary collaborations in clinical and basic science departments, incorporate engineering-based medical research, and translate this research into clinical applications, including those that address unmet medical needs. Clinical Care We strive to provide value-based, personalized medical care as well as accessible, affordable technological advances to our community in coordination with the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System as we expand our academically distinct clinical and translational programs.

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