Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.
Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/68592
World's #1 Best Selling Caribbean Rum Cake MORE NUT PRODUCERS Bay Beyond/Blue Crab Bay Co. (peanuts) Bertie County Peanuts (peanuts) Hawaiian Host (macadamia nuts) JonnyAlmond Nut Company (assorted) Laxmi's Delights (assorted) Nutorious Nut Confections (assorted) The Peanut Roaster (assorted) Pork Barrel BBQ Peanuts (peanuts) Purely American Gourmet Nuts (assorted) Setton Farms (pistachios) The Squirrel Brand Co. (assorted) Torn Ranch (assorted) Find these producers and more nut products at specialtyfood.com/onlinehighlights. Smoke, Red Hot Habenero and Hot Onion Garlic, as well as simple unsalted and salted varieties. These pistachios are unbleached and certified kosher. santabarbarapistachios.com Santé Specialty Foods Santé Nuts. Santé's founder, Sarah Tidhar, has seasoning in her veins: her grandfather was a spice trader in the early 1900s. This company, whose mantra is "taste the nut first, the seasoning second," recently expanded its line of flavored nuts and snacks with new varieties and new 1-ounce and 1.25- ounce snack packaging. The expansion features Roasted Salted Walnuts, Chipotle Almonds, Cardamom Cashews, Candied Pistachios, Cinnamon Pecans and Sweet & Spicy Pecans. santenuts.com Snapdragon Cashew Crunchies. Known for its vast line of pan-Asian–inspired cuisine, from noodles to soup bowls, Snapdragon's Cashew Crunchies exhibit this bent in three exotic flavors: Teriyaki, Wasabi (using ingredients from Japan) and the Thai-inspired Chili Lime. Sold in 2.6- ounce packs, the savory nuts are great for snacking but also make for a flavorful accent to salads, homemade dinners and Snapdragon's own stir-fry and noodle-based prepared entrees. snapdragonfood.com|SFM| Eva Meszaros is associate editor of Specialty Food Magazine. www.gourmetint.com Summer Fancy Food Show Booth 2705 Free Standing Shipper Display #HOOSE OR n OZ RUM CAKES n OZ RUM CAKES (fl avors can be mixed in shipper) Select Line of Caribbean Products – Coffee, Chocolates, Sauces & More CONTACT US FOR FREE SAMPLES: Call Toll Free 877-486-7884 or 305-378-6668 SALES TORTUGAIMPORTS COM s WWW TORTUGARUMCAKES COM Summer Fancy Food Show Booth 5568 Create your own special Oktoberfest with Germany's Finest brands! Fancy Food Show Washington, DC Booth 2705 1.800.875.5557 JULY/AUGUST 2012 109