Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.
Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/68592
Summer Fancy Food Show First-Time Exhibitors Stay ahead of the curve. Check out companies that are new to the Show. Afrofood LLC ........................................3811 Against The Grain Gourmet Foods LLC ...3426B Agrodolce Fine Foods Inc. ..................... 3708 Aladdin Label a Repacorp Company ...... 5971 Alimentos Bermudez ............................. 2847 Altek Enterprises ....................................3713 Amazon Beverages ................................ 626 Andrei Consultanta SRL-Romanian Pavilion .. 2441 Apollo Food Group, LLC.........................3631 Appetite for Healthy Living LLC ............... 2026 Augusta's Pimento Cheese ..................... 2730 Aunt Aggie De's Pralines ........................ 5965 Balconi Spa Industria Dolciaria ................. 426 Bedemco Import Export Inc. ...................2027 Bellocq, LLC .......................................... 407 Better Together Bake Shop .................... 5970 Big Picture Farm L3C ............................ 3431 Bluestone USA ......................................1913 Bobbysue's Nuts! LLC ........................... 2131A Bookbinder Specialties LLC ...................2827B Brooklyn Brew Shop, LLC ....................... 5373 Busy Bee Apiaries ................................ 5622 Cambridge Foods LLC ...........................5154 Carolina Creole ................................... 3333 Case Stack ......................................... 3929 Castillo de Pinar ..................................5050 Castleton Crackers .............................. 3427 Cathy's Homemade Biscuits, LLC ............. 2633 Caveman Foods ....................................304 Centre De Promotion Des Exportations Cepex ...........................4029 COMPANY .......................BOOTH NUMBER 5th Sun Salsa .................................... 3426A A.C.A.S.L (Spanish Company) Enzo De La Terra (USA Branch) ....................1961 Cousins Products LLC .............................. 228 Creative Snacks Co. ..............................2626 Cuisine Solutions ....................................505 DAI-Palestinian Pavilion .......................... 4627 Dalian Shuangfeng Grain Processing Co. Ltd ............................ 4542 Charlito's Cocina .................................6068 Chef Salt ...............................................614 Civitello Biscotti ....................................2431 Consulate General Of The Republic of Indonesia In San Francisco ..............2841 Gabila Food Products, Inc ..................... 2024 Gabriella's Cookie Chips, Inc. ............... 2226 GalloLea Pizza Kits .............................. 2724 Geami ............................................... 4704 Genertec International Advertising & Exhibition Co., Ltd. ......................... 3336 Philemon Pty Ltd T/A Waterwheel Industries .........................................5654 Giovanni's Aloha Foods Corp. ................1424 Global Palate Foods LLC ....................... 2423 Goji Gourmet ...................................... 2225 Good Tastes Kitchen LLC ....................... 2430 Gourmet Mixes Inc. ................................1111 Gourmet Selections, LLC .......................... 832 Gourmet Specialty Foods ...................... 2726 Guang Dong Tea Import & Export Co. Ltd. .............................. 4923 Hard Times Acquisition ...........................3131 Harvest Fresh Farms .............................. 2727 Heavenly Organics ...............................4511 Hebei Qimei Agriculture Science and Technology Co., Ltd ...................... 744 Department of Agriculture (DA) ...............4635 Desert Pepper Trading Co. .................... 5768 Di Costa S.P.A. .....................................2110 Divine Brine Foods Inc. ..........................2125 Dotties Toffee .....................................3327B Dr. Oetker USA, LLC ............................. 3227 D's Specialty Foods LLC .......................2129A ECR Software Corporation ....................3900 Eliunt Pty Ltd ........................................ 1963 Emily G's, LLC ......................................5866 Enfusia-blends for body .........................2902 Exuma Salt Company ........................... 4620 Fancypants Baking Co. ......................... 2426 Faso Foods ......................................... 5573 Fine Beverage LLC .................................. 728 First Field ............................................ 3330 First Pack LLC ....................................... 4033 Food For The Southern Soul, LLC ..............2916 Freskot USA..........................................5160 Full Flavor Foods, LLC ............................3902 Moorenko's Ice Cream ............................506 Mouth Party, Inc. .....................................514 MTM CPG Brokerage LLC ......................2212 Munson Premium Angus Beef, LLC ........... 2525 Naajoboat Ventures Ltd. ..........................360 NB Trading Group Inc. / Luxury Sweets ...1014 Nella Pasta LLC ..................................2327B NESTLE LANKA PLC. .............................1959 New York Joe's Specialties .................... 2728 Nilon's Enterprises Private Limited ............ 1967 Nine Sons Rising, Inc. ........................... 5423 Nuts About Granola, LLC .................... 2829A Nye's Cream Sandwiches, LLC ............... 2629 Ocean Approved, LLC .......................... 5543 Ola! Foods, LLC ................................... 2433 Old Mansion Foods, Inc. .......................3126 Olympak Printing and Packaging ..............509 Omni Houseware Inc. ............................1102 Onion Crunch, LLC ............................... 5868 Oregon Seafoods LLC ...........................5531 Jake's Grillin Rubs ................................. 2224 Joyce Foods, Inc. ................................. 2627 Kaldes Bros. Trading, Co. .......................1701 Kitchen Kettle Foods, Inc........................5065 KLG Candies LLC ................................. 5662 Leon's Pantry/Fruit Bliss ...........................3016 Levant Mediterranean Snack Foods LLC ... 2428 Little Duck Organics, Inc. ....................... 1929 Live Better Brands, LLC ...........................2216 Lizbeth Lane Concepts, LLC .....................3416 Luna Pops LLC ...................................... 2732 Lusitano Food & Home Products LLC ........ 2330 Market Solutions Group LLC ................... 2725 Millcroft Farms Company, Inc. ................3030 Miller's Mustard LLC ...............................5163 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development- Poland .........................4664 Hemisphere Beverages, LLC ................... 2723 Herlocher Foods, Inc. ...........................3000 Hero, Inc. ............................................2108 Hot Squeeze ....................................... 5554 House of Herbs, Inc. .............................2619 Inspec Tech Inc. .....................................200 Investment Opportunities for Trading ..........363 Izmir Organik Meyvecilik Sanayi Veticaret Ltd ....................................... 362 Sheila G Brands LLC ............................. 5427 Simply Southern Gourmet LLC ................. 3323 Simply Suzanne LLC .............................5120B Solid Gold Health Products for Pets, Inc. ...5152 South Carolina Specialty Food Association .. 3325 Star Kay White, Inc. ..............................3215 Suan's Inc. .......................................... 2722 SugarVeil Products ................................ 5273 Sultan Foods, Inc. ..................................202 Susie's Smart Cookie .............................4412 Suss Sweets That Make You Smile LLC ......2417 Suzanne's Kitchen .................................5961 Sweet Grass Dairy ............................... 5952 Sweet Harvest Foods ............................ 5033 Tante Z Food Group, LLC .......................4017 TASTE of ALBANIA USAID/AAC Program ... 764 Taste Weavers..................................... 4028 Taza Chocolate ..................................2327A Teaspoon Willie's, Inc. .......................... 3724 Tech II, Inc. ..........................................3412 The Breton Gourmet ................................515 The Delicious Dietitian Products, LLC .........3314 The Foreign Office ...............................6064 The Gelato Shoppe da Petrini LLC ........... 5369 The Healthy Pantry, Inc. ......................... 5562 The Jolly Llama Company, LLC ..................302 The Olive Orchard ...............................3604 The Sugar Diva .................................... 1202 The Two Little Guys Company ................ 3225 Thuan Phong Co., Ltd .............................364 Tipton Mills LLC .................................... 1704 Tram USA Corporation .......................... 5472 Tricky Dix Mojo,LLC ...............................2914 Truitt Bros., Inc. ....................................5666 U8 Sauce Co. ........................................712 UGO Foods Corp. ...............................5046 Vendors Daily ......................................3508 Vermont Nut Free Chocolate Co., Inc. ..... 3433 Vineyard Fresh ..................................... 5272 Vistern Health Snd Bhd ........................... 361 WaffleWaffle, LLC ................................ 3332 Yolka LLC .............................................2615 Ziegelmeire & Co., LLC ......................... 2729 Search the full Summer Exhibitor list at specialtyfood.com/exhibitorlist Pomi USA, Inc. .................................... 3827 Provisionaire & Co. LLC .......................... 228 Purpose Beverages, Inc. ........................ 3907 Quick Foods Company ........................... 760 Ribest Ribbons and Bows (USA),Inc. ................ Rickland Farms LLC ................................3931 Royal Rose Syrups, LLC .........................2129B Rudy's Pastry Shop LLC ...........................3231 Ruger LLC.............................................4105 Rushdi Food Industries ............................. 758 Sakai Foods America Inc. .......................2614 Sallie's Greatest ................................. 3329B Satisfy Your Soul, LLC ............................ 2733 Savannah's Candy Kitchen .................... 5529 Seth Greenberg's Authentic Brownie Crunch ................................4503 Pika's Farm Table ..................................2127 Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency ............................ 4673