Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.
Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/68592
1955 1952-2012 1955| The First Fancy Food Show the 1950s, the food importing EXVLQHVV ZDV À UPO\ HVWDEOLVKHG in the U.S. Within a few years, these imported foods, along with domestically-made delicacies, created a new category— specialty foods. In the spring of 1951, 24 food industry stakeholders met to discuss the creation of the "National Fancy Food Specialties Association." The proposed association would represent the specialty food industry at every level: manufacturer, distributor, retailer, importer, broker, and related publishing and professional organizations. Under the leadership of its newly appointed president, Stephen Leeman of The Ming Tea Corporation, the newly named National Association for WKH 6SHFLDOW\ )RRG 7UDGH À OHG LWV &HUWLÀ FDWH RI ,QFRUSRUDWLRQ LQ February 1952. 7KH À UVW IHZ PRQWKV ZHUH busy. The small but zealous leadership began planning for the À UVW IRUXP PHHWLQJ D SUHFXUVRU of today's share groups) and discussing content for a consumer- oriented educational pamphlet. Momentum grew rapidly. With funding support from Telefood, a trade magazine, NASFT exhibited at the 1953 National Association of Retail *URFHUV 1$5*86 FRQYHQWLRQ Board members believed their presence would expose more retailers to fancy, party and gift foods, thereby increasing sales of members' products. The NASFT participation at NARGUS planted the seed of an idea for a trade show focusing exclusively on specialty foods. A Show Is Born The association leadership periodically met at Pappas Restaurant, on 14th Street in Manhattan. After a year of careful planning and with the guidance of trade show organizer Charles Snitow, the inaugural Show opened at New York's Hotel Astor on August 28, 1955. It brought together importers, manufacturers and buyers. The First Annual National Fancy Food Show provided a platform for exchange among the selling and buying sectors of the specialty food industry. Among the suppliers and products represented at the 82 booths were Bahlsen Biscuits from Germany, R.C. Bigelow, Inc. VKRZFDVLQJ Constant Comment tea), Original Herkimer County