Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.
Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/68592
being the source for industry information. NASFT Showcase, D EL PRQWKO\ PDJD]LQH À UVW appeared in 1980. Editor Gene Bennett pledged the publication would be "informative, invigorating and inspiring." And it was, incorporating an updated version of Buyers' Blue Sheet, now simply called "Products," with VKRUW SURÀ OHV RI QHZ RU IDYRULWH products offered by NASFT members as well as trend reports, business opportunities and short features about outstanding retailers. A new section focusing on prepared foods launched in 1989 and continues today. Other trends noted in the pages of Showcase, such as peanut cheese or dehydrated Corn Flake mix, have not realized their full potential. In 2000, Showcase was relaunched as Specialty Food Magazine, the color glossy magazine we continue to enjoy today. Features include food WUHQGV VWRUH SURÀ OHV FXLVLQH spotlights and research. In March 2012, Specialty Food Magazine SXEOLVKHG LWV À UVW GLJLWDO HGLWLRQ while still maintaining the print magazine mailed to 30,100 subscribers eight times per year. From mimeographed pages to color glossies, from blue pages to web pages, from typeface to Twitter, NASFT's always evolving informational tools keeps the specialty food community one step ahead. An Ever-Changing Service Program NASFT is, at its core, a service organization for members and industry stakeholders. The mission of NASFT is "to foster trade, commerce and the interests of those engaged in the specialty food trade." While the Fancy Food Show may be the most spectacular, it is only one of many association activities. Other member services include publications, industry research reports, regional share groups and other networking opportunities, business and public relations services, and educational opportunities including white papers, webinars, seminars and so on. Many of its activities are guided by dedicated councils and committees, such as the Diversity A VISUAL FEAST A Special Exhibit Celebrating 60 Years of NASFT History Visit the exhibit at the Summer Fancy Food Show or at specialtyfood.com/avisualfeast Council and Distributor Council. NASFT also promotes member businesses by participating in international and domestic shows produced by other organizations. Anuga, the largest food and beverage fair in the world, was À UVW RQ WKH 1$6)7 FDOHQGDU LQ 7KDW \HDU 1$6)7 ([HFXWLYH Secretary Jean Frame represented the association to solicit new members and to establish connections between international Celebrating 60 Years of NASFT History 7 SPECIALTY FOOD MAY/JUNE 2012 PRODUCTS t 53&/%4 t #64*/&44 */4*()54 MAGAZINE® www.specialtyfood.com