Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 127 t: 831.624.1259 | f: 831.309.5972 North side of Ocean Avenue between Mission and San Carlos Carmel-by-the Sea, CA 93921 CLOTHING ACCESSORIES CLOTHING ACCESSORIES CLOTHING ACCESSORIES CLOTHING ACCESSORIES CLOTHING ACCESSORIES CLOTHING ACCESSORIES CLOTHING ACCESSORIES CLOTHING ACCESSORIES JEWELRY FOOTWEAR JEWELRY FOOTWEAR JEWELRY FOOTWEAR JEWELRY FOOTWEAR JEWELRY FOOTWEAR JEWELRY FOOTWEAR JEWELRY FOOTWEAR JEWELRY FOOTWEAR JEWELRY FOOTWEAR On 6th Avenue Wearable Art with a european Flair A wide selecon of european & American Collecons by: Aventures des toiles Beate heymann Bryn Walker, Cigno nero, Crea Concept, ivan Grundahl OsKA, Planet, Rodika, Xenia Design and More! O n 6th Ave & MissiOn | (831) 620-0980 MOn-sAt 10-5 sun 11-5

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