Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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International | CM 20th 33 But it is swept away by injustice. P r o v e r b s 1 3 : 2 3 Affinity Spheres Map Vision Progress Interna onal: 200 Ministries in 200 Countries 10 Affinity Spheres ● — North America ● — La n America ● — Europe ● — Middle East & North Africa ● — French Africa ● — English, Portugeuse & Spanish (EPS) Africa ● — Eurasia ● — Southeast Asia ● — East Asia ● — South Pacific Birthed discipleship ministries in 24 foreign federal Capitols on four con nents. Discipleship ministry presence in five affinity spheres. "O ne of the deep joys of our work inside the broad citywide evangelis c campaigns is a focused outreach to top business and civic leaders. It is rela onal evangelism, friends bringing friends, leaders bringing their peers. These include a wide variety of poli cal leaders — from city mayors to governors, ambassadors, parliamentarians, congressional leaders, and presiden al cabinet members. One of the key components to a ministry effort such as this is to work with trusted partners who can con nue the work in ongoing Bible teaching and discipleship ministry to those city leaders. Their exper se in encouraging and suppor ng exis ng leaders as well as iden fying and training addi onal leaders who remain in place and build an ongoing discipleship ministry is vital. I thank God for the opportunity to collaborate with Capitol Ministries and do believe that the best is yet to come in these efforts!" Andrew Palau Interna onal Evangelist Luis Palau Associa on

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