Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.
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buyers' picks FALL FLAVORS As the weather cools, retailers are stocking up on products and ingredients that evoke autumn. Pumpkin, pear, pinecone, squash and cider are all in season. BY NICOLE POTENZA DENIS Joe Fournier, Rosemont Market & Bakery, Portland, ME Rosemont Market is totally seasonal, so in the autumn we're looking at items that complement fall flavors—like fall melons, squash, chestnuts and chocolate—and those that epitomize Maine's terroir. My picks: X +PWJBM #SPXO 3JDF 1BTUB T ,FOOFCFD $JEFS t -B 2VFSDJB 3PTTB #FSLTIJSF 1SPTDJVUUP t .BUU T #JSE %PH $PGGFF Constance Jesser, Jacksonville Mercantile, Jacksonville, OR Indicative of the fall season are products showcasing squash, wild mushrooms, figs and pears. These include: t %BWF T (PVSNFU #VUUFSOVU 4RVBTI 1BTUB 4BVDF t *M .BDDIJBJPMP 1PSDJOJ 1BTUB t t +BDLTPOWJMMF .FSDBOUJMF 1FBS 1PNFHSBOBUF $IBNQBHOF 7JOFHBS +BDLTPOWJMMF .FSDBOUJMF 7BOJMMB 'JH #BMTBNJD 7JOFHBS t 6SCBO "DDFOUT (PVSNFU (PCCMFS 5VSLFZ #SJOJOH ,JU Sara Feinberg, Market Hall Foods, Oakland, CA Hearty pasta for fall salads, apple cider vinegar and pinecone syrup are just some of our fall favorites. Popular products are: t $PNNVOJUZ (SBJOT )BSE "NCFS %VSVN 8IFBU 'VTJMMJ t ,BU[ (SBWFOTUFJO "QQMF $JEFS 7JOFHBS t /PSUIFSO -BLFT 8JME 3JDF t 1SJNJUJWJ[JB .VHPMJP 1JOF $POF #VE 4ZSVQ t 3PCFSU -BNCFSU 8IJUF (JOHFS 4ZSVQ t 1BSNJHJBOP 3FHHJBOP LeeAnn Zubay, ZZest Market, Rochester, MN Fall fruit and warm spiced items—both sweet and savory—and those that complement pears are perfect seasonal choices. Our customers like: t " - 0MJWJFS #BTRVBJTF &TQFMFUUF 1FQQFS 'SVJU 7JOFHBS S &NJMZ ( T 1FBS )POFZ +BN t )JHI 3PBE $SBGU #MBDL 1FQQFS *DF $SFBN t 1PDP %PMDF 'JWF 4QJDF $IPDPMBUF #BS t 2VJODF "QQMF 'JHT BOE #MBDL 5FB 1SFTFSWFT Linda McIntyre, Villa Gourmet, Milford, CT Products that seem to be the most popular during the fall season contain pumpkin, sweet potato, pepper, maple and cranberry. Favorites include: T %FMJDBÏ (PVSNFU 4PVUIXFTU 3PBEIPVTF $IJMJ 4MPX $PPLFS %JOOFS t %SBLF T 'SFTI 1BTUB 1VNQLJO 3BWJPMJ t %SBLF T 'SFTI 1BTUB 4XFFU 1PUBUP .BQMF 3BWJPMJ t 4UPOFXBMM ,JUDIFO $SBOCFSSZ )PSTFSBEJTI 4BVDF t 4UPOFXBMM ,JUDIFO .BQMF .VTUBSE %JQ MORE PICKS: POPULAR HOLIDAY HORS D'OEUVRES, P. 50 Nicole Potenza Denis is a contributing editor to Specialty Food Magazine. 8 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com PHOTOS (CLOCKWISE FROM TOP): KRISTEN ALEXANDER; DELICAÉ GOURMET; KENNEBEC CIDER; JOVIAL PASTA