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Saucy Mama Dips Barhyte Specialty Foods Saucy Mama is proud to introduce our brand new dips! Available in three savory flavors: Blue Cheese, Ranch, and Southwest Ranch. These delecta- ble dips provide a cool and creamy accompaniment to hot wings, veggies, and other "dip-able" party snacks. Dip in and enjoy!
Stevia Sweetened Chocolate
Coco Polo Stevia Sweetened 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate and 39% Cocoa Milk Chocolate in 12 styles of 3 oz bars. They are all natural, sugar free, gluten free, non-GMO, with the prebiotic Inulin. Digestive-friendly, they are prop- erly refined and conched to provide outstanding taste and texture.
Facebook: Saucy Mama Twitter: @SaucyMamaCafe sales@barhyte.com Pendleton, OR barhyte.com 800.407.9241
so@cocopolo.com; dy@cocopolo.com New Brunswick, NJ cocopolo.com 800.433.2462
International SlowCooker Meals
Delicae Gourmet 29 all natural slow cooker dinners & soups take 5 minute prep time, have no added salt, are healthy, flavorful, easy-to-prepare & budget-friendly. New: Hawaiian Luau Sweet & Sour Chicken, Hillside Vineyard Tuscan Chicken & Rocky River White Bean Chili. 22 Gluten-free meals.
sales@delicaegourmet.com Tarpon Springs, FL DelicaeGourmet.com 800.942.2502
Bee Pollen Chocolate Bar
Hammond's Candies Given the legendary healing and energy powers of natural bee pollen, this bar combines well-being with rich and satisfying organic dark chocolate for something really bittersweet.
Twitter: @hammondscandies Facebook: Hammond's Candies admin@hammondscandies.com Denver, CO hammondscandies.com 888.226.3999
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Bentley's Harmony
Beer Flats Crackers
Collection Boston Tea Company Introducing Bentley's Harmony Tea Tin Collection, a premium assortment of estate grown black, green and herbal teas. It is the perfect assortment for any tea connoisseur. Available in 40 and 50 count tins.
Daelia's Food Company, Ltd. Beer Flats are artisan flatbread crack- ers made in small batches with whole grains, butter, and beer. They come in two flavors: Porter and Pilsner, each made with the respective beer. No arti- ficial preservatives. Serve with cheese or charcuterie. Made in the USA.
Chainbreaker White IPA
Deschutes Brewery What if wheat wasn't the goal in itself? But a route to something awesomely new? You pair wheat, hops and Belgian yeast and suddenly 'Bingo, a wheat like nobody else's.' With real depth, coriander and sweet orange peel, it's citrus-packed and silky smooth going down.
Marieke® Golden
Holland's Family Cheese Marieke® Golden: A creamy, semi- soft, American Original boasting a flavor profile rich in nuttiness & hints of sweet fruit. A raw milk beauty crafted with vegetable rennet & farm fresh, rGBH-free cow's milk piped straight into the processing vat after the first milking of the day.
Twitter: @BostonTeaCo Facebook: Boston Tea Company sjacobs@bostontea.com Hackensack, NJ bostontea.com 201.440.3004, ext. 17
Facebook: Beer Flats Twitter: @beerflats sales@daeliasfood.com Cincinnati, OH beerflats.com 513.221.4322
New Member Twitter: @deschutesbeer Facebook: Deschutes Brewery info@deschutesbrewery.com Bend, OR deschutesbrewery.com 541.385.8606
110 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com
New Member Twitter: @HollandsCheese Facebook: Holland's Family Cheese Info@HollandsFamilyCheese.com Thorp, WI HollandsFamilyCheese.com 715.669.5230