Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.
Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/79798
SPECIAL MARKETPLACE ADVERTISING SECTION (continued from p. 12) 41&$*"-5: '00% /&84 special tyfood.com/wnwh paZm l ahm Co-Packing Travel Chocolate LLC Co-packing & private label manufacture for small & large runs. Chocolate for retail, baking, or manufacture. 718.841.7030, ext. 2 travelchocolate.com New York, NY info@travelchocolate.com Facebook: Travel Chocolate LLC r supplier news Chobani's make-your-own yogurt bar, JDY Gourmet acquired and more news Salsas, Dips and Corn Chips Xochitl Inc. The torilla chips are thin and crispy, made from natural ingredients, and cooked to the kind of perfection that makes it impossible to stop eating them. Dunk, scoop, swoop and shovel some Xochitl Salsa with them and its Game on. No preservatives, no trans fat, no gluten, no GMO. Facebook: Yo Soy Xochitl info@salsaxochitl.com Irving, TX salsaxochitl.com 214.800.3547 MEDITERRANEAN YOGURT BAR FROM CHOBANI $IPCBOJ B MFBEJOH (SFFL ZPHVSU CSBOE JO UIF 6OJUFE 4UBUFT JT PQFOJOH B TUPSF BOE B i.FEJUFSSBOFBOw ZPHVSU CBS JO /FX :PSL NBLJOH JU UIF MBUFTU BEEJUJPO UP UIF DJUZ T %*: ZPHVSU USFOE 5IJT TVNNFS %BOOPO PQFOFE B HPVSNFU ZPHVSU CBS JO (SBOE $FOUSBM 5FSNJOBM XIFSF DVTUPNFST DBO CVJME UIFJS PXO ZPHVSU QBSGBJUT TNPPUIJFT BOE KVJDFT 4JNJMBSMZ QBUSPOT BU 5IF :PHVSU $VMUVSF $PNQBOZ DBO DSFBUF GSFTI PS GSP[FO ZPHVSU USFBUT DIPPTJOH GSPN TVDI CBTFT BT USBEJUJPOBM (SFFL XIPMF BOE TLJN ZPHVSU GET MORE INFORMATION ON ALL THESE PRODUCTS ONLINE AT special tyfood.com/wnwh Fortune Fish Acquires JDY Gourmet Fortune Fish, Chicago, is acquiring specialty foods and artisanal meat purveyor JDY Gourmet for an undisclosed amount. With annual sales of $100 million, Fortune Fish supplies premium fish to restau- rants in the Midwest. JDY, with annual sales of $20 million, has a similar client base and distributes products including Spanish hams from Fermin USA and Dunbarton blue cheeses from Roelli Cheese. The company will be renamed Fortune Gourmet and will move into Fortune Fish's facility. SPECIALTY FOOD sofi 7FOEJOH .BDIJOFT (FU )FBMUIZ t $VJTJOF 4QPUMJHIU $IJMF t 'BMM 'MBWPST UIBU 4FMM 4&15&.#&3 PRODUCTS t 53&/%4 t #64*/&44 */4*()54 MAGAZINE® www.specialtyfood.com TM outstanding NEW PRODUCT 2012 AWARDS CABLE CAR DELIGHTS, INC. THE LATEST SCOOP GINGER PEAR SORBET + 124 more Winners and Finalists NEW ARTISANAL CHEESE PLANT FOR EMMI ROTH USA &NNJ 3PUI 64" .POSPF 8JT JT JOWFTUJOH NJMMJPO JO UIF DPOTUSVDUJPO PG B TRVBSF GPPU BSUJTBOBM DIFFTF QMBOU JO HOLIDAY ISSUE Tips for Successful GIFT BASKETS New Stocking STUFFERS UPSCALE Seasonal Candies 1MBUUFWJMMF 8JT GPS UIF QSPEVDUJPO PG JUT BXBSE XJOOJOH (SBOE $SV DIFFTF B UZQF PG (SVZFSF 5IF QMBOU XJMM CSJOH &VSPQFBO UFDIOPMPHZ UP UIF 6OJUFE 4UBUFT VTJOH DPQQFS BOE TUBJOMFTT TUFFM JO JUT DIFFTFNBLJOH QSPDFTT BMPOH XJUI UIF MBUFTU DPNQVUFS BVUP NBUJPO JO UIF EBJSZ JOEVTUSZ Get the full Specialty Food Magazine reading experience on your desktop, laptop or tablet… t 'MJQ UISPVHI BSUJDMFT t 4FBSDI GPS DPOUFOU t 1BTT BMPOH WJB FNBJM t "OE NPSF To read this issue online, go to specialtyfoodmagazine.com 116 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com Virgin America Flights Offer Little Soya Little Soya Soy Sauce, a gluten-free, less-sodium and non-GMO soy sauce produced by Little Products Co., is now the soy sauce featured on menus for all first-class flights on Virgin America. Editor's Note: Specialty Food Magazine readers may subscribe to Specialty Food News, a free emailed newsletter. Compiled for the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade by the Food Institute, this newsletter brings you breaking daily food industry news, such as new product launches, mergers and acquisitions, trade issues and financial reports. To subscribe, visit specialtyfood.com. Robyn Pforr Ryan is a regular contributor to Specialty Food Magazine and Specialty Food News.