Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.
Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/79798
SPECIALTY FOOD NEWS Gourmet portions, cheese for everyone's needs. NYC Tap Water For Sale A new Manhattan café, Molecule, sells New York City filtered tap water. The owners of the shop claim the water streams through a $25,000 filtering machine that uses ultravio- let rays, ozone treatments and reverse osmo- sis in a seven-stage processing treatment. For a few extra dollars, customers can add vitamins and herbal infusions. LEGISLATIVE REGULATORY NEWS FDA's Goals for Retailers…FDA's dep- uty commissioner for foods Michael R. Taylor has identified four goals for retail- ers: make the presence of certified food protection managers common practice; strengthen active managerial & control Cheesemaking has long been a tradition in Switzerland and cheese production is an integral part of Swiss culture. Mifroma USA imports only the finest cheeses from Switzerland. Aged in a rock cave, carved by nature over centuries in the village of Ursy at the foot of the Swiss Alps, Mifroma quality chees- es are appreciated across Switzerland, Europe and North America. Now Mifroma is introducing its range of random- and fixed-weight cheeses so you can cater to different customer needs. From the gourmet-style variable weight cheeses to the "unwrap and go" exact weight, both come in authentic wedge or stick formats. Customers will love the distinctive, milky-film parchment wrap- ping; you'll know that this is a hallmark of quality. Discover our complete range of authentic cheeses from Switzerland at mifroma.com at the retail level and ensure better compliance with food safety standards; encourage widespread, uniform and complete adoption of the FDA Food Code; and create an enhanced local regulatory environment for retail food operations. The second goal is in keep- ing with the focus on preventive controls in the Food Safety Modernization Act. Taylor wrote on the FDA website in April: "Data from FDA's Retail Risk Factor Study point to a correlation between the presence of a certified food protection manager and better food safety prac- tices and behaviors. … [W]e know that food safety is enhanced when manag- ers assess their food safety systems, implement appropriate procedures and training, and actively monitor compli- ance with those systems to reduce risk in retail operations." National Map of Food Hubs and Markets…The USDA published a new "compass map" showing wholesale, farmers and other markets, food hubs and meat facilities at kyfcompassmap.htm. MIFROMA USA – East Coast Corporate Offi ce: 9240 Bonita Beach Road · Suite 1118 · Bonita Springs, Fl 3413 · Tel. 239 498 0626 West Coast Regional Offi ce: PO Box 1008 · Tualatin, OR 97062 · Tel. 503 692 6540 www.mifroma.com 12 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com Marsha Echols, NASFT's legal advisor in Washington, D.C., is available to counsel members. Reach her at 202.625.1451 or echols@marshaechols.com. usda.gov/maps/maps/ throughout the United States, among other infor- mation,