Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.
Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/79798
ABOUT OUR WRITERS Specialty Food Magazine is pleased to publish insightful and actionable articles from leading journalists and retail practitioners. Contributors include: JULIE BESONEN Foods in Focus Food editor for Paper magazine and restaurant columnist for nycgo.com DINA CHENEY Product Roundup Author of Tasting Club, whose work has appeared in Every Day with Rachael Ray, Cooking Light, Fine Cooking and Bon Appetit MARSHA ECHOLS Legislative & Regulatory News Legal advisor for the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade ALEXANDRA MENGLIDE sofi Winners Freelance writer based in New York City ROBYN PFORR RYAN Specialty Food News Freelance writer whose work has appeared in Redbook and Brainchild NICOLE POTENZA DENIS Buyers' Picks, Natural Selections, sofi Winners Contributing editor to Specialty Food Magazine, freelance writer specializing in food and wine JOANNA PRUESS Cuisine Spotlight, Prepared Food Focus Contributor to The New York Times and former director of the Cooking Studio at Kings Supermarkets LYNN SANTA LUCIA sofi Winners Freelance writer whose work has appeared in Health, Food Arts and Yoga Journal DENISE SHOUKAS Food Trends, Candy Counter, Q&A Contributing editor to Specialty Food Magazine whose work has appeared in Town & Country and Every Day with Rachael Ray OFFICERS Senior Vice President, Media Senior Vice President, Sales & Exhibitions Vice President, Communications, Education, Government and Industry Relations Vice President, Finance & Administration President Ann G. Daw Chris Crocker Chris Nemchek Ron Tanner Michael A. Tuccillo BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman: Mike Silver, Neomonde Baking Company Vice Chairwoman: Shawn McBride, Foah International LLC Treasurer: Becky Renfro Borbolla, Renfro Foods, Inc. Secretary: Matt Nielsen, Nielsen-Massey Vanillas Past Chairman: Dennis Deschaine, Al Dente Pasta, Inc. William (Pete) Booker III, Smithfield Specialty Foods Group Dan W. Dowe, Artisanal Brands, Ltd. Cara Figgins, Partners, a tasteful choice co. Case Fischer, Fischer & Wieser Specialty Foods Deborah Holt, Ciao Bella Gelato Co. Maren Ammerman, A Southern Season De nnis Deschaine, Al Dente Pasta Nat alie King, Stonewall Kitchen Emilio Mignucci, Di Bruno Bros. Sam Mogannam, Bi-Rite Market Phillip Myers, Central Market Natalie King, Stonewall Kitchen Patricia Lobel, Avenue Gourmet Sam Mogannam, Bi-Rite Market Jack Porter, KeHe Distributors Stewart Reich, Hanson Faso Brad Van Dam, Marich Confectionery NASFT RETAILER NETWORK ADVISORY COUNCIL Greg O'Neill, Pastoral Artisan Cheese, Bread & Wine Jon Pruden, Taste Unlimited Bob Sickles, Sickles Market Linda Sikorski, The Pasta Shop Richard Tarlov, Canyon Market Larry Uhl, West Point Market SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Specialty Food Magazine, 136 Madison Ave., 12th Floor, New York, (ISSN 1539-1477) VOL. 42, No. 6 NY 10016; specialtyfoodmedia.com POSTAL INFORMATION: Specialty Food Magazine® is published monthly with combined issues in January/February, May/June, July/August and November/December as a service to the industry by the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade, Inc., 136 Madison Ave., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016. Phone: 212.482.6440; specialtyfood.com. Periodicals postage rate is paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Specialty Food Magazine, Subscriber Services, 136 Madison Ave., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 4133555. IMEX, STATION A, PO BOX 54, WINDSOR ON N9A 6J5. Subscription price: $50 per year. © 2012 National Association for the Specialty Food Trade, Inc. (NASFT). All rights reserved. 2 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com facebook.com/specialtyfoodmedia SPECIALTY FOOD EDITOR Denise Purcell MANAGING EDITOR, ONLINE CONTENT Dennis Marrero ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eva Meszaros ART DIRECTOR Maria San Andres BUYERS' PICKS Nicole Potenza Denis FOOD TRENDS Denise Shoukas SPECIALTY FOOD NEWS Robyn Pforr Ryan PREPARED FOOD FOCUS Joanna Pruess LEGISLATIVE & REGULATORY NEWS Marsha Echols PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Phyllis Jefferson pjefferson@nasft.org CIRCULATION MANAGER David Harrell dharrell@nasft.org MAGAZINE®