VERMONT BUTTER & CHEESE IS NO STRANGER TO THE SOFI AWARDS. Among its three Gold wins this year is the creamery's signature geotrichum-rinded aged goat cheese, Bonne Bouche, a first-timer. Made with fresh pasteurized goat's milk that is hand-ladled and sprinkled with ash, Bonne Bouche (meaning "good mouthful" in French) is reminiscent of the Loire Valley cheeses of France, with its smooth, soft and creamy mild taste and texture. The company attributes much of its success not only to its taste but also to its appearance and the constant education and sampling done at the retail and consumer level. "Because the cheese is a bit funny-looking it gets more attention," says Allison Wolf, inside salesperson at Vermont Butter & Cheese. Bonne Bouche's geocultures give it its wrinkled appearance, while tree ash is responsible for its hue. Aged a minimum of 10 to 14 days and then housed in a special crate that acts as a micro-cave that allows it to continue to age up to 60 days, the cheese can be eaten at multiple stages for different taste experiences. As a young cheese the rind has a pleasant yeast flavor and mild creamy interior with soft notes of citrus; as it matures the flavor intensifies and becomes more piquant. Bonne Bouche pairs well with a dry rosé or a saison-style beer. It makes a standout addition to a cheese board and complements chocolate, almonds and prosciutto. "In the past two years, Bonne Bouche's popularity and interest has increased," Wolf says. "Our goal is to continue to introduce and educate people to high-quality Vermont cheeses." Suggested retail price: $9.99/4 ounces. Contact: Adeline Druart, Vermont Butter & Cheese Creamery; 802.479.9371; adruart@vermontcreamery.com; vermontcreamery.com.—N.P.D.
➊ BELLE CHÈVRE Fig Breakfast Cheese Contact: Tasia T. Malakasis tmalakasis@bellechevre.com 256.423.2238 bellechevre.com
➋ COACH FARM Triple Cream Goat Cheese Contact: Tara Kirch tkirch@bestcheeseusa.com, tkirch@coachfarm.com 518.398.5325 coachfarm.com
S14 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com
➌ EMMI ROTH USA, INC. Kaltbach cave-aged Le Gruyère Switzerland AOC Contact: Angela Frie
angela.frie@emmirothusa.com 608.328.2122, ext. 46 emmirothusa.com
➍ GRAFTON VILLAGE CHEESE CO. Vermont Leyden Contact: Dane Huebner dhuebner@
graftonvillagecheese.com 800.472.3866; 802.246.2221
graftonvillagecheese.com ➍