AFTER CREATING HER SUCCESSFUL BISTRO BAR LINE—filled square bars based on the flavors of her signature bonbons—Joan Coukos Todd, chocolatier and CEO of Chocolat Moderne, New York, was already on to her next culinary creation. "The idea behind all of our chocolates is that eating them creates a culinary experience; they are not just candy," she says. In 2009 Coukos Todd introduced Moderne Bars, a line of five rectangle shaped bars with toffee bits. These bars have a buttery toffee taste and
contrasting texture, and each is infused with unexpected flavors. "Lime was always my first choice for one of the Moderne flavors," she says.
Infused with essential oil of lime, Moderne Lime is a balancing act that really works. "Though the lime is assertive, it has a complementary effect that creates a sensation that contrasts with the richness of the toffee and complements the natural acidity of the 65 percent Valrhona dark chocolate blend," says Coukos Todd. The Lime bar has the most surprising flavor to customers, but they also tend to enjoy it the most, she adds. "Lime is definitely not orange, and it might be hard for people to make that leap. But once they taste it, they are hooked."
Moderne Lime complements margaritas, artisanal beers, coffee or an Earl Grey or jasmine tea. The Moderne line uses all-natural ingredients and is gluten-free. Other flavors include Sea Salt, Red Fruits, Espresso, Chipotle and Kashmir Spice. Suggested retail price: $8.50. Contact: Joan Coukos Todd, Chocolat Moderne; 212.229.4797; joan@chocolatmoderne.com; chocolatmoderne.com.—N.P.D.
➊ ASKINOSIE CHOCOLATE Dark Milk Chocolate + Black Licorice
CollaBARation™ Bar Contact: Lawren Askinose lawren@askinosie.com; info@askinosie.com 417.862.9900 askinosie.com
S24 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com
➋ JUSTIN'S NUT BUTTER Justin's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups Contact: Lauren Lortie lauren@justinsnutbutter.com 303.449.9559 justinsnutbutter.com
➌ ROMANICOS CHOCOLATE Japanese Ginger Chocolate Bar
Contact: Alejandra Bigai; Melisa Misley
customer@romanicos chocolate.com 305.854.9936 romanicos.com