THE SANDY BUTLER GROUP Fernando Pensato Olio di Oliva Extra Vergine Tartufo
"WE HARVEST OUR OLIVES WITH A PASSION YOU CAN TASTE," says Fernando Pensato, celebrated Italian producer of premium food products including the sofi-winning truffle olive oil. If passion has been the driving force behind Fernando Pensato Gourmet, precision has been its practice. Fernando Pensato unfiltered Extra Virgin Truffle Olive Oil is made using handpicked, single-estate, single-varietal Peranzana olives, which today can be found only on the sunny slopes of Apulia in southern Italy. These rare olives are cold-pressed in the region's legendary pink granite mills. With the addition of the highest-quality truffle essence obtained from the Perigord Truffle—also known as the "black diamond" for its rarity—found in the heart of France, this exquisite oil not only has superior quality but an extremely low acidity (0.2 percent). "Fernando Pensato truffle oil is an unforgettable treat and the crowning glory for so many dishes," says Jamie Nelson, director of marketing for The Sandy Butler Group, exclusive importer of Fernando Pensato products. "People who usually don't like truffle oil because of its strong chemical flavor have been ecstatic about this one, because the truffle essence is extracted naturally." Fernando Pensato Gourmet oils, vinegars and pasta products are further distinguished by their unique bottles and striking Art Nouveau–inspired labels. About the Truffle Olive Oil, Nelson says, "We've heard from consumers, 'Wow, the flavor, the packaging, the price—they're all too good to be true!" Suggested retail price: $29.99/8.5 ounces. Contact: Jamie Nelson, The Sandy Butler Group; 239.634.6799; jnelson@ sandybutler.com; sandybutlergroup.com.—L.S.L.
➊ LUCERO OLIVE OIL Anthony's Blend Extra Virgin Olive Oil Contact: Dewey Lucero dlucero@lucerooliveoil.com 530.824.2190 lucerooliveoil.com
S36 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com
Contact: Mounsif Tolab mtolab@sunnyhills international.com 571.212.6755 mediterranean-gourmet.net