Retail Observer

July 2017

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM JULY 2017 2 A LIT DOOR-WITHIN-DOOR: WHAT EVERY KITCHEN VISIONARY NEEDS. COMING SOON, the new counter-depth French door refrigerator now with the FreshVue ™ Door-within-Door that keeps frequently used ingredients in view and at the ready. It even illuminates when approached. And with versatile features like the Under-Shelf Prep Zone, Slide-Away Shelf and self-close drawers, it stands ready to hold a pitcher of mimosas or help transform the day's farmers' market purchases into the latest culinary creation. To learn more, go to ®/™ ©2017 KitchenAid. All rights reserved.

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