Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2017

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…taking a personalized approach to help you achieve your goals! 831.241.2600 "Your comprehensive knowledge of the Monterey area real estate market, your ability to coordinate the many and varied issues which are a normal part of the process, and your ability to move quickly without rushing were impressive. But most important of all was your prowess in dealing calmly and clearly with the unexpected hiccups along the way. ank you and the team at Carmel Realty Company for a wonderful experience! " – Paddins Dowling, Seller Rebecca Wolf Arnold Unmatched commitment to you… 11721 Hidden Valley Road, Carmel Valley 5 Beds ■ 4 Full & 2 Half Baths ■ List Price $3,750,000 ■ Just Sold

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