November - December 2017
to Lubrication
Training Video
Format: DVD
Publisher: Noria Corporation
Having a solid grasp of the
fundamentals of lubricants
and lubrication is at the core of
any world-class lubrication program. is 37-minute
video will help you understand lubricant functions,
the differences between common lubricant types,
their advantages and disadvantages, as well as what
makes them perform or fail.
Chemistry and
Technology of
Lubricants —
3rd Edition
Authors: R.M. Mortier, M.F.
Fox and S.T. Orszulik
is updated and revised
third edition describes the
chemical components that contribute to the formu-
lation of liquid lubricants and includes a discussion
of lubricant technology for specific applications. It is
of particular relevance for those in industry who are
involved with lubricant additives, formulation and
testing, as well as those who are concerned with the
use and specification of lubricants.
Reliable Plant
2017 Conference
Format: CD
Publisher: Noria Corporation
If you missed the learning
sessions at Reliable Plant
2017, you can still get the
conference proceedings on
CD-ROM. It includes the papers and presentations in
PDF format from nearly every educational session. e
real-world case studies at Reliable Plant 2017 were full
of practical, experience-based information and tools for
lubrication and reliability programs.
Root Cause
Analysis —
Fourth Edition
Authors: Robert, Kenneth
and Mark Latino
This 279-page edition
explains how to identify,
understand and prevent
chronic problems t hat
hinder the attainment of organizational goals using
root cause analysis (RCA). Outlining steps to teach
you how to automate the RCA process, the infor-
mation in this book can improve the reliability of
your plant assets and save your company precious
time and money.
Welcom e to M a ch i n e r y Lu b ricatio n's B ook s tore, de sign e d to sp otlight lubric ation -
relate d b ook s . For a complete lis ting of b ook s of intere s t to lubric ation profe s sionals , c h e c k o u t t h e B o o k s t o r e a t s t o r e . n o r i a . co m .
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Use the Correct Oil
Machinery Lubrication I Study Pack
See page 53 for the next scheduled training class.
• Flash Card Pack
• 125-question Practice Exam
• How to Take a Multiple-Choice Exam
• Machinery Lubrication Reference Guide
• Oil Analysis Basics
• e Practical Handbook of
Machinery Lubrication