Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November-December 2017

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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54 | November - December 2017 | When designing a centralized lubrication system, which comes first: the system or the grease selection? Most people begin with the system and then find a grease that is suitable for it. However, the best approach is to start with a grease that serves the needs of the machine and then design a lubrication system that works with the lubricant. What's in a Grease? Before considering which tests should be performed to help select the right grease, a basic understanding of grease formulation is needed. During Noria's training courses, the class is often asked, "What is grease?" Typical responses include "really thick oil," "a paste-like lubricant," etc. According to ASTM D288, grease is defined as "a solid-to-semifluid product of dispersion of a thickening agent in a liquid lubricant. Other ingredients imparting special properties may be included." Basically, a grease is comprised of three parts: the base oil, additives and a thickener. e base oil may constitute between 70 to 95 percent of the grease. It provides the grease's viscosity and film thickness, and is the founda- tion upon which the grease is built. A mineral, synthetic or vegetable-based oil may be used in a grease. e oil type is selected based on the desired properties needed for the application. 4 Grease Tests for Centralized Lubrication Systems The best approach is to start with the grease and then design a system that works with the lubricant." " G rease s BACK PAGE BASICS Devin Jarrett | Noria Corporation

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