Tablets & Capsules


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Tablets & Capsules January 2018 23 Issue focus capsule filling Empty capsules Company offers two-piece gelatin cap- sules and H-Cap HPMC capsules in various sizes; both are odorless and tasteless. Gelatin capsules accept pow- der, pellet, liquid, granule, and semi- solid fills. Products include SLS-free gelatin capsules, preservative-free gela- tin and HPMC capsules, and capsules made from custom gelatin formula- tions. HPMC capsules are suitable for high-speed encapsulation, including liquid fills, have low moisture content, and resist cross-linking. Company can provide halal and kosher certification. Biogel Capsules, Buena Park, CA. Tel. 714 670 8228 Capsule filler GKF 2600 capsule filler doses pow- ders, pellets, and liquids into as many as 156,600 capsules per hour. Modular construction accelerates format changes and modifications, minimiz- ing downtime. Options include inte- grated checkweighing and inspection modules; in-process control that com- pares target weight to actual weight and adjusts dosing automatically; and net-weight detection system that auto- matically corrects deviations in filling volume for micro-dosing and pellet filling, thus minimizing product loss. Bosch Packaging Technology, Min- neapolis, MN. Tel. 763 424 4700 HPMC capsules K-Caps HPMC capsules are suitable for range of products, including liquid, hygroscopic, and moisture-sensitive formulations. Capsules do not contain sec- ondary gelling agents, resist cross-linking, and are physically stable over range of temperature and humidity changes. Products contain no preservatives, allergens, starches, or gluten; are non-GMO; are halal and kosher certified; and are consid- ered GRAS by FDA. Capsules come in sizes 00E to 4. CapsCanada, Pompano Beach, FL. Tel. 954 979 6440 Capsule conveyor Low-rate vacuum conveyor delivers powders to capsule filling machines, tablet presses, or packaging machines. Unit conveys as much as 1,200 to 1,500 pounds of material per hour depending on material. It can also transfer empty capsules without dam- aging or separating them. GMP-com- pliant conveyor meets FDA and USDA standards. Vac-U-Max, Bellville, NJ. Tel. 800 822 8629

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