Issue link:
Clari cation 6 New editorial advisor 7 Research news 7 Markets 7 Industry news 8 Industry innovations 32 Calendar 40 Supplier news 42 People news 43 Product update 44 Mini case histories and Product reviews 45 Advertiser index 43 Spotlight on Nutraceuticals 32A (This section appears four times yearly in issues delivered to our nutraceutical readership.) TABLETS & CAPSULES capsule lling Selecting the nal SODF: A comparison of capsules and tablets 11 Susana Ecenarro Abuse-deterrent formulation technologies: Opportunities and limitations 17 Alyn McNaughton Issue focus: Capsule lling 23 New book: Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Capsules 27 Tablets & Capsules (ISSN 1549-9928 print; ISSN 1938-9159 online) is published by CSC Publishing, Inc, 1155 Northland Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55120. departments w w w . t a b l e t s c a p s u l e s . c o m January 2018 Volume 16 Number 1 Scaling up wet high-shear mixer granulation 28 Rachel Smith Granulation and drying: A survey of what's available 31 granulation & drying also in this issue Cover photo shows encapsu- lation machine replacement parts, including upper and lower segments, manufac- tured by company's subsidi- a r y , C a r l i s l e P r e c i s i o n Encapsulation Parts. Product range includes tooling and replacement parts for many b r a n d s o f e n c a p s u l a t i o n machines. Company also sup- plies tablet compression tool- ing, presses, and replacement parts. Its 120,000-square-foot campus includes administrative,manufacturing, refurbishing, and training facilities, as well as cleanrooms for product demonstration and testing. Courtesy of Natoli Engineering, St. Charles, MO. 636 926 8900. Website: Eye on Excipients 34 Edmont Stoyanov, Berna Ehlig, and Wade Tanev Back Page Cover 3 Kaushal Kumar