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42 January 2018 Tablets & Capsules Constantia Flexibles to expand pharmaceutical packaging L O I P E R S B A C H , A u s t r i a — Constantia Flexibles will expand its pharmaceutical packaging manufac- turing site here. The expansion includes a Class 8 cleanroom, a dou- ble-sided lacquering machine for foils and laminates, and a slitting machine. PTI moves headquarters NIVELLES, Belgium—Pharma Technology (PTI), a supplier of tab- let dedusters and capsule polishers, moved its headquarters to a site half a mile from its previous location here. The 60,000-square-foot facility doubles the company's manufactur- ing capacity, increases its stocking space, and includes an R&D center and demonstration lab. The com- pany hired more than a dozen peo- ple before the move. Alcami opens West Coast sales office LA JOLLA, CA—Alcami, a phar- m a c e u t i c a l a n d b i o t e c h n o l o g y CDMO, opened a West Coast sales office here. It will house global sales and business development personnel and will later include project man- agement staff. The company opened a sales office in Tokyo, Japan, in October. Innophos acquires NutraGenesis BRATTLEBORO, VT—Innophos, Cranbury, NJ, an excipient and ingre- d i e n t s s u p p l i e r , a c q u i r e d NutraGenesis, a dietary supplement ingredients supplier located here. The acquisition expands Innophos' food health, and nutrition portfolio and follows its acquisition in August of Novel Ingredients, another ingredi- ents supplier. Capsugel adds micro-dosing equipment, expands high containment at Edinburgh facility E D I N B U R G H , S c o t l a n d — C a p s u g e l , a L o n z a c o m p a n y , expanded its clinical trial capabilities by installing a Xcelodose 600S micro-dosing capsule filler at its facility here. It manufactures pow- supplier news Scientific offers primer on dust collection A L S I P , I L — S c i e n t i f i c D u s t Collectors, a supplier of dust collec- tion equipment, published its second edition of "A Scientific Review of Dust Collection." It describes the history, theory, and application of dust collection equipment. It also addresses explosion vents and sys- tem designs. You can request a free copy at the company's website: ExciPact certifies ACG, Peter Greven sites BRUSSELS, Belgium—ExciPact certified ACG Associated Capsules' site in Pithampur, India, and Peter Greven's site in Venlo, Netherlands. ExciPact is a voluntary international body that offers third-party GMP certification of excipient manufac- turing sites. Recipharm acquires Roche facility in Spain, adds serialization to Italian, Swedish sites LEGANÉS, Spain—Recipharm, a pharmaceutical CDMO, acquired Roche's manufacturing facility here and will supply the Roche with com- mercial products. Recipharm also installed serialization equipment at its facilities in Brescia, Italy, and Karlskoga and Uppsala, Sweden. Analytical Methods Validation for FDA Compliance. March 14-16 in New Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by the Center for Professional Advancement. Tel. 732 238 1600. Website: QbD—Product and Process Optimization using Design of E x p e r i m e n t s . M a r c h 1 9 - 2 1 i n Boston, MA. Conducted by Center for Professional Innovation and Education. Tel. 610 648 7550. Website: Preparing for and Surviving an FDA Inspection. March 19-20 in New Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by t h e C e n t e r f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l Advancement. Tel. 732 238 1600. Website: DCAT Week. March 19-22 in New York, NY. Conducted by the Drug, Chemical, and Associated Technologies Association. Tel. 609 208 1888. Website: www.dcatweek. org. Pharmaceutics and Novel Drug Delivery Systems. March 19-21 in Berlin, Germany. Conducted by ConferenceSeries. Tel. 888 843 8169. Website: www.novel-drugde livery-systems.pharmaceuticalcon 1 1 t h W o r l d M e e t i n g o n Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, and Pharmaceutical Technology. March 19-22 in Granada, Spain. Conducted by ResearchPharm. Tel. +49 6131 9769 85. Website: www. Pharma Security World. March 20-21 in London, UK. Conducted by Sanex Packaging Connections. Tel. +91 124 496 5770. Website: American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Annual Meeting. March 21-24 in Orland, FL. Tel. 703 836 6981. Website: Documentation Management and Control. March 22-23 in New Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by the C e n t e r f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l Advancement. Tel. 732 238 1600. Website: Drug Formulation, Solubility, and Bioavailability Summit. March 26-28 in Boston, MA. Conducted by ExL Pharma. Tel. 866 207 6528. Website: Process Safety and Accident Prevention. March 26-28 in New Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by the C e n t e r f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l Advancement. Tel. 732 238 1600. Website: CPhI Southeast Asia. March 2 7 - 2 9 i n J a k a r t a , I n d o n e s i a . Conducted by UBM. Tel. +31 207 081 605. Website: