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younger people are very interested in building custom motorcycles and modifying existing bikes. It's really that custom flavor where the most interest seems to be right now, and it's rel- evant to be honoring Arlen, as he kicked all of that off. He's low-key and humble and has got quite a museum of his own." Close to 400 motorcycles will be available to check out on the greens, while parents can entertain their children with MY Museum's Wheelie Mobile, and a judging of their favorite motorcycle on the field. "We are mindful of parents who want to enjoy the event and have a blast with their kids," McCall says. McCall contributed to the recent documen- tary, "Why We Ride," which follows the allure and passion of riders. He can answer "why" he rides easily. "You can pin it down to one word: authentici- ty," he says. "I'm in the bike and car world. No dis- respect to the car world, but you can find people who buy these crazy over-the-top cars and don't really know how to drive the darn thing. You can't fake it in the motorcycle world. The camaraderie is so real and so genuine. It's a real safe and com- fortable place to land, particularly for people with high pressure jobs and lives. They can hop on a bike with friends and it's just real…You can't not think about what you're doing on a motorcycle and it is very liberating as a result." The 2018 Quail Motorcycle Gathering takes place on Saturday, May 5 from 10am-4pm at Quail Lodge & Golf Club in Carmel. For more informa- tion, go to Motorcycle/Motorcycle.html. 174 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 MotoGP three-time World Champion Kenny Roberts will host a charity event at Quail Lodge the evening after the show, benefitting the Welcome Home Heroes Foundation, a nonprofit that supports U.S. veterans and their families. Keeping in line with their "something for everyone" philosophy, Chief Judge Somer Hooker, Gordon McCall, and AMA Hall of Fame Craig Vetter, admire the winner of the Innovation Award, with owner Mark Atkinson from Utah.