Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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COME CELEBRATE the 96 th birthday of DORIS DA Y Friday/Saturday Evening Entertainment Package Donation includes ALL of the following! ✽ Live performance of Doris Day's music by award- winning performer, Scott Dreier ✽ 50th Anniversary Screening of Doris Day's last fi lm, "WITH SIX YOU GET EGGROLL" ✽ Celebrity co-star Q&A, reception and photo ops ✽ Live auction and raffl e with rare signed memorabilia and other fabulous items March 30 & March 31, 2018 Carmel High School Center for the Performing Arts Call (831) 620-7455 for tickets, or visit for further information All proceeds benefi t the Doris Day Animal Foundation *Doris Day is not expected to attend Broadway World Critic's Pick Singer Scott Dreier Please help us celebrate Doris Day's 96 th Birthday and honor her commitment to making Carmel the dog-friendly town it is today!* DORIS DAY ANIMAL FOUNDATION ANNUAL BENEFIT 50 TH ANNIVERSARY MOVIE SCREENING of WITH SIX YOU GET EGGROLL CELEBRITIES / LIVE PERFORMANCE / LIVE AUCTION / RAFFLE / AND MORE!!! *

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