Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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224 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ NATIONAL PHILANTHROPY DAY 2017 Chistal Lowe, Devin Ryan, Olivia Ryan N ational Philanthropy Day provides an oppor tunity each year to reflect on the meaning of giving and all that it has made possible. Over 400 people came together at Spanish Bay to celebrate Monterey County's volunteers, corporations, foundations, youth in philanthropy and outstanding donors. Raul Pantoja, Molly Crannell, Neal Hurd, Lauren Cohen John Bailey, Chris Steinbruner, Sean Madden, Jean Steinbruner, Leah Steinbruner Konny Murray, Susan Koza, Scott Delucchi, Anita Dunsay Louis Zelus, Marsha McMahan Zelus, Paul Johnson Vern Horton, Jon Ditlevsen, Mirna Hills, Clay Larson Barbara Davidge, Esther Rodriguez, Zoë Carter Jeff & Janet Wallace, Shirley & Lee Rosen Mollie & Tom O'Neal, Nicki McMahan, Kate Mulligan, Mick McMahan Matt Gibbs Jr., Kiley and Kathy Gibbs, Matt Gibbs Sr. Michele Melincia Young, Kris Edmunds Sirie Thongchua, Grace Ashby Bessie Nicolaides, Allyson Mabui Mely Latham, Cristina Fekici Hana Kong, Kelsie Berke, Maria Hauman, Lesley Varney, Morgan Matthews Photos: Kelli Uldall

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