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234 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ CPA 50th Anniversary Gala Celebration Susan Murai, Patrice Taylor. Molly Matchak M embers and friends of the Center for Photographic Ar t gathered to celebrate 50 years of their historic gallery space. The capacity crowd of 200 attendees enjoyed Michael Adams sharing stories about his father, Ansel Adams, Kim Weston speaking about his father, Cole Weston, and Lynne Harrington-Bullock representing her father, Wynn Bullock, in founding the gallery as the Friends of Photography in 1967. Jocelyn Mel, Judith Peterson Rich Thau, Shelby Graham, Giff Lehman Pamela & Jerry Takagowa, Elizabeth Murray Will Giles, Richard Cannon, Jack Wasserbach Mack Ray, Norma Brambilla, Chuck Davis Suzie Weber, Mark Citret, Edie Ellis Zach, Gina & Kim Weston Brigitte Carnochan, Brian Taylor, Elizabeth Opalenik Michael Adams, Lynne Harrington-Bullock, Kim Weston Brooks McChesney, Dena & Joel Gambord Michael & Jeanne Adams Lily Yu, Mark Governor Rachael Short, Katherine Jenkins Pat Ireland, Sarah Spencer Photos: Kelli Uldall