Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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238 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ 20th Annual Happy Tails Gala Darla Smith, Leigh Jeter O ver 200 dedicated suppor ters of Animal Friends Rescue Project (AFRP) gathered for food, wine and fellowship at Quail Lodge and Golf Club in Carmel Valley with the common goal of bettering the lives of the homeless animals in our community. The gala, chaired by Darla Smith, and online auction raised over $120,000.00 to suppor t AFRP's lifesaving work. Cheryl & Craig Beller Tom & Joanie Compagno Coutney Reed, Jenn Iliff Liz Pittman, Rheta Thure, Karen Pfeiffer Cindy Doglione, Mindy Rogers Polaris & Tavrn Kinison-Brown Don & Janet Reilly Christine Chatwell, May Maglaya Kyle Soliven, Delana Gardner Sabrina & Doug Breschini Janet Watkin, Deric Wenzler Photos: DMT Imaging Shari Roehl, Ley Smith Rayne & James Coleman Audrey Higuera, Katja Herrmann Alison Burleigh, Andee Burleigh, Karen Kiker, Jody Royee, Adrienne Otis, Dianne Farrow-Laptin Janet Varela, Genevieve Belle, Sandy Benzor

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