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Lewis Builder s Design Homes for Lifetime Use B Y B R E T T W I L B U R H ome designer/builder John Lewis believes if you "change your space, you can change your life." His company, Lewis Builders, is designated a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) from the National Association of Home Builders. "We want to create healthy, safe environments not just to inhabit, but to thrive and be inspired in," Lewis says. "We place an emphasis on indoor air quality, safety and sustainability. The accessibility piece is huge. We've got a demographic of peo- ple 65-plus who are asking, 'Where do I live and can I live safely in my home?" Lewis explains that the leading cause of death for seniors is falls. "We design with no curb in the shower, zero step entry and with zero thresholds," he says. A former triathlete, Lewis was sidelined by knee surgeries after being hit by an SUV. "I know what it's like to feel like a burden to my family and to feel helpless," he says. "Nothing brings me more pleasure than helping someone maintain their dignity." Proper lighting, grab bars and ramps are some of the items Lewis may install in home remodels. The result is a clean, warm aesthetic that in no way evokes an institutional quality; Lewis describes his style as "organic contemporary." "We want to create an alternative to costly senior care facilities," he says. "That's not the ideal situation for someone living out their gold- en years." Lewis Builders is located at 3706 The Barnyard, Carmel. For more information, call 831/250-7168 or go to SHORTCUTS NEIGHBORS Scott Julian, Kenny Boyd, Tammy Lewis, and John Lewis of Lewis Builders focus on creating healthy and safe environments in which their clients can thrive. 74 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 Photo: Glen McDowell