Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 85 NE corner of Ocean Avenue and Monte Verde, in the Pine Inn building. 831.625.1585 • BE A PART OF CLUB DIGGIDY THE CLUB DIGGIDY ® PACKAGE COMES FILLED WITH HEALTHY, UNIQUE AND PRACTICAL TREATS AND TOYS THAT ARE SURE TO GET YOUR PET'S TAIL WAGGING! W e are truly a unique boutique for dogs and cats. Our staff is not only knowledgeable, they genuinely CARE about the community they serve. This is THE place to go if you're looking for exclusive, specialty dog and cat products and an amazing experience! Please stop in with (or for) your furry family members! Welcome Golf Fans! Pierre Jacques Gaston S a n d y M c C o r m i c k ( 8 3 1 ) 4 3 1 - 3 9 0 5 Jumping • Barking • Chewing • Housetraining • And more! Affordable in-home puppy and dog training will teach you complete verbal control using proven methods without the use of treats, clickers, shock collars or abusive intimidation. Off-Leash Obedience Dog Training P et Specialists of Monterey (PSM) is now offering advanced veterinary cardiology services. Starting in July, board certified cardiologist, Dr. Michael Lesser will be available every Monday and Tuesday for appointments. As a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Cardiology), he is able to assess, diagnose, and treat various diseases of the heart and lungs. Dr. Lesser's philosophy is to help provide animals with a good quality of life for as long as possible. This can be achieved when there is a team effort between the owner, referring veterinar- ian, Dr. Lesser, and PSM staff. His expertise includes widespread tech- niques such as echocardiography, electrocardiography, Holter and event monitoring, and non-invasive blood pressuring monitoring. Please call us for an appointment: 831-899-7387. 451 Canyon Del Rey Blvd (in the Stone Creek Center by Tarpy's) (831) 899-PETS (7387) Providing High Quality of Life for Pet Cardiology Patients

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