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Chris Murphy; You Knew Me; and Simon Petty and Celia Chavez Feb. 8,11 & 16 Folktale Winery & Vineyards, Carmel Valley F olktale Winery in Carmel Valley, for- merly the site of Chateau Julien Winery, is fast becoming the go-to venue for up-and-coming alt rock, folk and indie artists with a sprinkling of very talented local musicians. And they make some damn fine wines to boot. With its Folk in the Gallery series and Live in the Vines, Folktale has estab- lished itself in a relatively short time as a viable and inviting venue for live music. Upcoming shows include the folk/bluegrass/jazz of Chris Murphy from 4:30-7:30pm on Thursday, Feb. 8; Nashville husband-and-wife folk-rock duo You Knew Me When from 4:30- 7:30pm on Sunday, Feb. 11; and singers Simon Petty and Celia Chavez from 4:30-7:30pm on Friday, Feb. 16. Some of the smaller, intimate shows are free or by donation. One Night of Queen Wednesday, Feb. 21, 8pm Sunset Center, Carmel Q ueen, along with classic acts such as Led Zeppelin, The Who, the Stones and Beatles, are ripe for tribute shows, mainly since each have so many great songs and iconic personalities (Mick Jagger's prancing, Pete Townsend's windmill guitar playing). Gar y Mullen & The Works has been perform- ing its popular "One Night of Queen" show to sold-out crowds for 16 years now. Of course, you can expect all the classic songs: "Bohemian Rhapsody," "We are the Champions," "Killer Queen," "You're My Best Friend," "Crazy Little Thing Called Love," "Radio GaGa," "Under Pressure," "Another One Bites the Dust," and many more during this two-hour extravaganza. To paraphrase a Queen song: They will, they will rock you. k.d. lang Thursday, March 1, 8pm Sunset Center, Carmel S everal years ago, award-winning Canadian crooner k.d. lang stopped her show at the Golden State Theatre, told her audience she admired old theaters such as Golden State, put down her microphone and sang a cappella, as she said the theater was designed for. The results were stunning. Her voice soared, was crystal clear and easily reached the very rear of the theater. It was a tribute to the theater's acoustics, but also to the power and glory of her voice, which has the range of an opera mezzo-soprano. On March 1, the multi- ple Grammy, Juno, Brit and VMA award winner will showcase the also excel- lent acoustics of the Sunset Center with her sublime voice. She will also be celebrating the 25th anniversar y of her Grammy-award-winning, criti- cally acclaimed album "Ingénue." It's a candidate for show of the year. Jazz Bash by the Bay Friday-Sunday, March 2-4 Monterey Conference Center, Monterey W ith Sacramento's venerable Old Sacramento Dixieland Jazz Jubilee (changed in recent years to the more generic-sounding Sacramento Music Festival) calling it quits after 44 years, Monterey's 38th annual Jazz Bash by the Bay (formerly Dixieland Monterey), becomes one of the state's foremost champions of Dixieland or "trad jazz." While traditional styles form the core of Monterey's event, ragtime, swing, gypsy jazz, zyde- EVERYONE LOVES A LIST, RIGHT? HERE ARE MY PICKS FOR FUN EVENTS WORTH CHECKING OUT IN MONTEREY COUNTY! ADMIT ONE W I T H M A C M C D O N A L D One Night of Queen will be performing on Feb. 21 at Sunset Center, Carmel. 96 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8