TDN Weekend

March 2018

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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It's October 3 and the crowd is in a festive mood. I'm thinking it's an unbelievable crowd for a Tuesday afternoon, until someone points out that it's a national holiday, German Unity Day, the celebration of the day, 27 years earlier, when East and West Germany reunified. We spend most of the day in the Klub stand, a tall, wooden three-story structure with a buffet area and outdoor seat- ing. It's lovely without being too terribly glamourous; the men are in suits and the women are smartly attired, but they're primarily own- ers and breeders, and it's clear they love their racing. It rains a bit off and on, but the place is comfortably full—not cra- zy-packed, so you can't find a place to sit or stand—but full of happy families, picnicking together on the

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