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50 March 2018 Tablets & Capsules Practical Course on Viscosity M e a s u r e m e n t s . M a y 1 7 i n Middleboro, MA. Conducted by Ametek Brookfield (www.brookfield, 508 946 6200). O p t i m i z i n g T o o l i n g f o r Maximum Operation. May 17. Online. Conducted by Wilson Tool ( binar, Dietary Supplements—Food Safety Modernization Act. May 18 in Chicago, IL. Conducted by NSF (, 800 673 6275 x5600). M A G I C l i n i c a l R e s e a r c h Conference. May 20-23 in Arlington, VA. Conducted by Model Agreements and Guidelines International (www, 650 465 0119). Pharmacokinetics and Pharma- codynamics. May 21-24 in Madison, WI. Conducted by University of W i s c o n s i n - M a d i s o n S c h o o l o f Pharmacy ( .edu, 877 947 4255). Auditing QC Laboratories. May 22-23 in Manchester, UK. Conducted by NSF (, +44 175 1 432 999). FCE Pharma. May 22-24 in Sao P a u l o , B r a z i l . C o n d u c t e d b y NürnbergMesse Brasil (www.fce, +55 11 3205 5000). Pharmacology and Toxicology. M a y 2 4 - 2 5 i n T o k y o , J a p a n . Conducted by ConferenceSeries (www.pharmacology.pharmaceuti, 800 216 6499). A Risk Based Approach to IT Infrastructure Qualification & C o m p l i a n c e . M a y 2 4 - 2 5 i n Bloomington, MN. Conducted by the Global Compliance Panel (, 800 447 9407). Short Couse Series in Pharma- ceutical Solids. April 26-27 in Cambridge, MA. Conducted by SSCI (, 765 463 0112). Managing Your FDA Inspection: Before, During and After. April 26-27 in Seattle, WA. Conducted by the Global Compliance Panel (www., 800 447 9407). ExcipientFest. April 30-May 2. San Juan, PR (www.excipientfest. com, 571 482 7459). May Tablet Compression Training. May 1 in Holbrook, NY. Conducted by Tablet Compression Resource (www.tabletcompressionresource. com, 631 655 0174). 3 r d A n n u a l I n h a l a t i o n & Respiratory Drug Delivery Congress. May 8-9 in London, UK. Conducted by Oxford Global (www.drugdeliv, +44 1865 248 455). Understanding, Characterizing, a n d D e v e l o p i n g A m o r p h o u s Materials and Amorphous Solid Dispersions. May 9-11 in Madison, WI. Conducted by University of W i s c o n s i n - M a d i s o n S c h o o l o f Pharmacy ( edu, 877 947 4255). Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. May 11-12 in Tokyo, Japan. Conducted by ConferenceSeries (www.pharmatech.pharmaceuticalcon, 800 216 6499). Principles of Solid Dosage Forms. May 14-18 in Madison, WI. C o n d u c t e d b y U n i v e r s i t y o f W i s c o n s i n - M a d i s o n S c h o o l o f Pharmacy ( edu, 877 947 4255) 21 CFR 111 Dietary Supplement GMP Overview. May 15-16 in Chicago, IL. Conducted by NSF (, 800 673 6275 x5600). Vitafoods Europe. May 15-17 in Geneva, Switzerland. Conducted by Informa (, +44 20 7017 6297). Dietary Supplement Vendor Qualification and Audit Training. May 17 in Chicago, IL. Conducted by NSF (, 800 673 6275 x5600). supplier news Antares Vision to open software development center in Ireland MOORESTOWN, NJ—Antares Vision, a provider of pharmaceutical track-and-trace products for serializa- tion, plans to open a software devel- opment center in Galway, Ireland. The facility will create more than 50 jobs in computer vision and artificial intelligence over five years. Eisai completes OSD facility TOKYO, Japan—Eisai China has completed construction of a new oral solid dose (OSD) facility and an administration building at the com- pany's Suzhou, China production plant site. The new facility is five times larger than the company's existing OSD facility and will double production capabilities. The site will begin operations in the second half of the 2018 fiscal year. Federal Equipment expands classroom C L E V E L A N D , O H — F e d e r a l Equipment, a supplier of pharmaceuti- cal manufacturing and packaging equipment, has added equipment and expanded its classroom capacity for the solid oral dosage manufacturing process t r a i n i n g c o u r s e , " T h e M a n u f - acturing Process." The course offers hands-on experience in pharmaceutical manufacturing and is led by Michael D. Tousey, technical director and chief executive officer at Techceuticals, a Cleveland-based solid dose training and troubleshooting firm. Camfil APC launches dust collector direct purchase website JONESBORO, AR—Camfil APC, a dust, mist, and fume collection equip- ment manufacturer, has launched an eCommerce website that offers retrofit filters for most leading dust collector brands, including HemiPleat retrofit fil- ter cartridges, which last longer than standard filters. For more information, visit Colorcon, Applied DNA Sciences collaborate on pharmaceutical taggants HARLEYSVILLE, PA—Colorcon, a pharmaceutical coating manufac- turer, and Applied DNA Sciences, a molecular technologies provider located in Stony Brook, NY, will col- laborate to combine Colorcon's film coating, ink, and color dispersion sys- tems with Applied DNA's molecular taggant and authentication technol-