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52 March 2018 Tablets & Capsules Tablet and capsule printer/etcher Delta printer uses ink or a laser to mark one or both sides of tablets or capsules. Changing products is simple thanks to the snap-in carrier links that require no tools to remove or install. Setting up ink, design rolls, and rubber rolls takes as little as 30 minutes. Printer's ink vis- cosity system maximizes print quality and minimizes wasted ink through containment, agitation, and automated response to oxidation. Unit can be equipped with an optional vision inspection system that verifies the printing/etching accuracy on each tablet or capsule. Vision inspection system features single-tablet/capsule rejection to ensure high product qual- ity at unit's maximum output. Printer can include an optional automatic cleaning system that simplifies opera- tion and maintenance. R.W. Hartnett, Philadelphia, PA 215 969 9190 Combustible-dust vacuum MDL15 Air-Vac combustible-dust vacuum features a single-venturi power unit that consumes little compressed air and has no expensive electrical components or moving parts. Dust, debris, and powder collect inside the unit's electrostatic-conductive poly- bag, which prevents dust clouds when emptying the drum. Vacuum features a 15-gallon collection drum, an electro- s t a t i c - c o n d u c t i v e P T F E f i l t e r , anti-sparking stainless steel construc- tion, and an ATEX-certified vacuum hose. Unit comes equipped with a secondary cartridge, casters, a com- pressed-air hose, and a tool kit. Vac- uum is suitable for recovering large volumes of fine powders and combus- tible dusts from machinery, floors, walls, and overhead surfaces in Class II, Division 2 environments. Vac-U-Max, Belleville, NJ 800 822 8629 product update R&D tablet press Kambert KX 100 tablet press for R&D and small-batch production offers pre-compression of 10 kilonewtons and main compression of 60 kilonew- tons. GMP-compliant machine uses eight, nine, or 10 stations, accepts B, D, and BB tooling, and produces as many as 86,400 tablets per hour. Tab- let press can include an optional exchangeable turret, a powered force feeder with variable-speed control, and a fine-adjustment dial for tablet weight and thickness. Unit's sealed, transpar- ent upper guard dampens noise and includes a safety interlock, as does the lower guard. Tablet press options include a gravity feeder, different fill cam sizes, and instrumentation that monitors pre- and main compression and ejection force. CMC Machinery, Princeton, NJ 609 720 9800 Lactose InhaLac 500 lactose for dry powder inhalation formulations is micronized so that 90 percent of its particles are smaller than 10 microns. Micronized parti- cles are suitable for use as fines in ternary formulations (5 to 15 percent by weight) to improve the fine particle fraction or as fillers in spherical pellets. Lactose is highly cohesive, so APIs easily adhere to the particle surfaces to form agglomerates, which detach more readily from the carrier surface than API monolayers, improving dispersion. Meggle, Pawling, NY 845 289 0264