Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication March April 2018

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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26 | March - April 2018 | www . Lubrication in the cement indu st r y of fers some unique challenges. It's not so much the type of equipment that is the issue but the environment in which the machinery is operating, which can vary from season to season depending on the plant's location. is factor must be carefully considered when selecting and applying lubricants, as oils and greases that work well in almost identical equipment might not be as effective in the conditions this industry must often face. Transporting Raw Material Typically, a cement plant is located adjacent to or very near a quarry. Raw material must be transported from the quarry into the cement plant and eventually into large storage hoppers. e mode of transportation is gener- ally via conveyors, with the most common types being belt conveyors. Even if raw material is brought into the cement plant from a source some distance away, there will still be numerous conveyors throughout the plant. ese conveyors usually are driven by electric motors, some of which will be large due to the power required to pull the belts. e larger types have grease nipples that require infrequent greasing. ere will also be greased bearings on both the drive end and non-drive end as well as on tension rolls in between. Lubrication Strategies for the Cement Industry LUBRICATION PROGRAMS Andrew Monk | Lubrisolve Engineering Solutions "Although every cement plant will have its own existing lubrication strategies, optimum solutions can be identified regarding the lubricants selected, the equipment utilized to apply those lubricants and the maintenance regime."

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