Want to Become the Lubrication
Expert In Your Plant?
• Fourth edition – completely
rewritten and reorganized
to be more reader friendly
• Restructured chapters and
new sections providing more
detailed information on
specific topics
• Updated to include recent
changes in industry practices
• Improved graphics and illustrations
to make the content easier
to understand
Now Available!
About the Authors
Robert "Bob" Scott has more than 30 years of technical
experience with lubricants, lubrication and related
machinery. With extensive laboratory and field experience
in the development of lubricants, Bob has been certified
as a Lubrication Specialist (CLS), Oil Monitoring Analyst
(OMA), and is also ICML MLT Level II and MLA Level III
certified.For the past nine years, Bob has worked for Noria
Corporation as an instructor of Machinery Lubrication and
Oil Analysis courses throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Jim Fitch, the founder of Noria Corporation has been
awarded a number of patents on oil analysis instruments
and has published over 200 books, journal papers and
technical articles. As a senior technical consultant, Jim
has advised hundreds of companies on developing their
lubrication and oil analysis program. He has served as
U.S. delegate to ISO for oil analysis standards and is also
active with ASTM D02 related to in-service oil analysis
test standards.
Lloyd "Tex" Leugner, President of Maintenance Technology
International, Inc., has 38 years of experience in the field of
industrial and mobile machinery maintenance, lubrication
and oil analysis, and has written over 300 articles and
technical papers. An international expert in preventative/
predictive maintenance and lubrication engineering, he has
completed audits and presented seminars for many of
Canada's major oil and gas producers, drilling companies,
mines, pulp and paper producers and transportation fleets.