Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2018

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/986636

Contents of this Issue


Page 143 of 191

CHOCOLATE CANDY NEW PRODUCT GRIFF'S TOFFEE Griff's Coffee Toffee chapelhilltoffee.com GOLD DROGA CHOCOLATES Money on Honey drogachocolates.com SILVER VIVRA CHOCOLATE Vivra: The Bar vivrachocolate.com BRONZE GRIFF'S TOFFEE Grif's Coffee Toffee chapelhilltoffee.com sofiawards.com CHEESE—COW MILK NEW PRODUCT SAVENCIA CHEESE USA LLC Dorothy's - Comeback Cow alouettecheese.com GOLD ROGUE CREAMERY Organic Rogue River Blue roguecreamery.com SILVER EPICURE FOODS CORPORATION Kasslands Kanaal efccorp.com BRONZE FISCALINI CHEESE COMPANY Lionza fiscalinicheese.com CHEESE—NON-COW MILK, MIXED MILK NEW PRODUCT VERMONT CREAMERY Fresh Goat Cheese with Clover Blossom Honey vermontcreamery.com GOLD VERMONT CREAMERY Cremont vermontcreamery.com SILVER DUTCH CHEESE MAKERS CORP. Artikaas Geitenkaas Dutch Goat Cheese dutchcheesemakers.com BRONZE LACLARE FARMS SPECIALTIES Cave Aged Chandoka laclarefarms.com SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com I S5

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