Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2018

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/986636

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EXECUTIVE TEAM President Phil Kafarakis Senior Vice President, Content & Marketing Chris Crocker Senior Vice President, Membership & Partnerships Chris Nemchek Treasurer and Senior Vice President, Finance & Strategy Irene Math Vice President, Technology & Innovation Ric Camacho Vice President, Human Resources Lisa Gauchey Vice President, Engagement & Events Bill Lynch Vice President, Philanthropy, Government, & Industry Relations Ron Tanner BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairwoman: Becky Renfro Borbolla, Renfro Foods Inc. Vice Chairman: Matt Nielsen, Nielsen-Massey Vanillas Inc. Board Financial Officer: William (Pete) Booker III, Savannah Candy Kitchen Secretary: Trish Pohanka, BrandStorm Inc. Past Chairwoman: Shawn McBride, Foah International LLC 2 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com facebook.com/specialtyfoodassociation twitter.com/SFANews ® SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Specialty Food Magazine, PO Box 46108, Plymouth, MN 55446; subscriberservice@specialtyfood.com; 800.869.6882 POSTAL INFORMATION: Specialty Food Magazine ® (ISSN 1539-1477) VOL. 48, No. 3 is published quarterly—Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall—as a service to the industry by the Specialty Food Association, 136 Madison Ave., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016. Phone: 212.482.6440; specialtyfood.com. Periodicals postage rate is paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Specialty Food Magazine, Subscriber Services, PO Box 46108, Plymouth, MN 55446. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 4133555. IMEX, STATION A, PO BOX 54, WINDSOR ON N9A 6J5. Subscription price: $50 per year. © 2018 Specialty Food Association. All rights reserved. EDITOR Denise Purcell MANAGING EDITOR Julie Gallagher CONTENT & EDUCATION SPECIALIST Sara Kay CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Susan Segrest CREATIVE DIRECTOR Maria San Andres ART DIRECTOR Michael Gage Costa CATEGORY SPOTLIGHT Nicole Potenza Denis TRENDS & HAPPENINGS Denise Shoukas CHEESE FOCUS Janet Fletcher Charlie Apt, Sarabeth's Kitchen Dan W. Dowe, Artisanal Cheese, LLC Susan Eriksen, Char Crust David Gremmels, Rogue Creamery Kirsten Hogan, UNFI Lori King, Stonewall Kitchen Tom Knibbs, Urban Accents Emilio Mignucci, Di Bruno Bros. Greg O'Neill, Pastoral Artisan Cheese, Bread & Wine Todd Rubin, The Republic of Tea Lee Zalben, Peanut Butter & Company Jon Pruden, TASTE Greg O'Neill, Pastoral Artisan Cheese, Bread & Wine Patrick Crowl, Woodstock Farmers Market Craig Kanarick, mouth.com Pete Marczyk, Marczyk Fine Foods Liz Martinez, Bi-Rite Market Emilio Mignucci, Di Bruno Bros. Trip Straub, Straub's Richard Tarlov, Canyon Market Scott Zoeller, QuickChek Convenience Store RETAILER NETWORK COUNCIL ? What is your favorite ice cream flavor PUBLISHER Chris Crocker 646.878.0160 ccrocker@specialtyfood.com PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Phyllis Jefferson pjefferson@specialtyfood.com GROUP SALES DIRECTOR Louis Helms 646.878.0161 lhelms@specialtyfood.com U.S. Kim Farrell 646.878.0135 kfarrell@specialtyfood.com Kathy Sackett 646.878.0145 ksackett@specialtyfood.com MEMBER RELATIONS Lisa Stefanoff 646.878.0109 lstefanoff@specialtyfood.com Janet DeCarlo 646.878.0187 jdecarlo@specialtyfood.com Cookies & Cream Ginger Coffee Pistachio Cinnamon Rocky Road

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