Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2018

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/986636

Contents of this Issue


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SURPRIS INGLY INGENIOUS AUSTRIAN PAVILION JACOB K. JAVITS CONVENTION CENTER BOOTH 326 | LEVEL 3 318 3fruits&friends | www.appletinies.at Organic apple pieces in organic chocolate 330 Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing | www.amainfo.at Cheese from Austria 324 Cargo Partner Network | www.cargo-partner.com Hands-on service and qualified expertise 322 Caskai | ww.caskai.com Sparkling Cascara Infusion 316 Egger Getränke | www.eggergetraenke.at Speciality beers from Austria 308 furore | www.furore.at Gourmet sauces & Alpdrinks 300 GUNZ America Corp. | www.gunz.cc Comprehensive range of foods and beverages 312 JOMA | www.joma.at Excellence in plastic packaging 320 NEOH | www.neoh.com/us The world's 1st Candy bar that's good for you 302 Ölmühle Pelzmann | www.pelzmann.com Pumpkin seed oil, oil specialties, vinegars, pumpkin seeds 310 SNOOOZE | www.snoooze.co All Natural & Herbal Sleep Drink 304 Stroh Austria | www.stroh.at STROH rum specialties For more Information ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA New York T +1 212 421 52 50 F +1 212 421 52 51 E newyork@advantageaustria.org W www.advantageaustria.org/us Fancy Food Show - Summer 2018 www.advantageaustria.org

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