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Major Products and Services DRIACONTl-T pharma – Continuous Coaters The DRIACONTl-T pharma film coater is used for continuous coating applications. The coater is available in both R&D and production scales. This system provides unprecedented flexibility and highly uniform coating quality. The product flow and process parameters are under complete control as it utilizes chambers where individual coating steps take place. The DRIACONTI-T coating technology has been proven to have a lower RSD than standard batch coating technology as the tablets are presented to the spray cone more frequently. DRIACOATER - Batch Coaters from R&D to Large Capacity The DRIACOATER is the most efficient batch fed machine on the market. The process air is guided in a very controlled manner through the entire product bed, so all tablets are treated evenly. This perforated coating system uses special technology to achieve superior coating quality and operating efficiencies and it is available for a wide range of batch sizes. DRIACOATERs are commonly used for both R&D applications and full-scale production. DRIAM's Customized Coating Solutions DRIAM provides specialized turnkey coating solutions for the production of pellets, pharmaceutical excipients and other specialty products. Their coating systems are built to meet your specific production requirements. All support equipment with regards to material handling and utilities are integrated into one complete robust system. DRIAM's Lab Services and Training DRIAM has a fully operational lab complete with a wide array of coating systems, including batch and continuous coating systems. The lab has R&D and full production scale coaters available for testing. DRIAM offers coating seminars, maintenance training, contract manufacturing, and testing services. The DRIAM team is ready to collaborate with you to optimize your process and evaluate your production capabilities. Corporate Description DRIAM is a global leader in the design and manufacture of coating systems for various solid dosage applications. For the coating of tablets, capsules, softgels, and pellets they offer a wide range of batch and continuous film coating solutions. DRIAM USA also provides tablet sorting, inspection, and lifting devices for solid dosage forms. DRIAM supports the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical markets through a worldwide sales and service network. It handles projects ranging from R&D scale coaters to high volume production scale units. The activities are coordinated from the headquarters in Germany and from DRIAM USA which is located in Spartanburg, SC. Providing turnkey coating solutions is their core business and with this focus DRIAM has become one of the best known coating experts in the industry. DRIAM has extensive in-house lab testing services which are used to ensure that their technology suits all your needs and surpasses all of your expectations. Their coating solutions satisfy all International ISO Quality Standards, GMP, cGMP and CE standards. Markets Served DRIAM provides coating solutions to the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, food, confectionery, and chemical industries. They have a strong global presence with installations in most countries around the globe. DRIAM prides itself on complete turn-key solutions with a strong emphasis on post-sale support. Their technical team is available to provide on-site service on short notice. Above is the DRIACONTI-T pharma Lab continuous film coater for GMP clinical supply manufacturing Driam USA, Inc. 16 | Solid Dosage Sourcebook 2018 DRIAM USA, Inc. 181 Access Road. Spartanburg, SC 29303 Tel: 864.579.7850 Email: Website:

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