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‰e ability to achieve a specific dwell time is invalu- able for continuous manu- facturing because as powder is fed at a specific rate, there is li"le ability to adjust tur- ret speed to achieve the ideal dwell time or resolve related tablet defect issues. By chang- ing the head – which can be done simply by squeezing the tabs on the side of the barrel, removing the head, and snap- ping a different head into the punch barrel – it is possible to determine the ideal com- pression profile for a prod- uct while keeping the turret speed at the specific require- ment relative to powder feed and desired tablet output. ‰e punch tips on the Na- toli Quick-Release™ Tooling also can be changed quickly and easily by simply loos- ening a screw, which can be done with a standard Allen wrench. Changing punch tips allows researchers to evalu- ate different tablet sizes and shapes and cup configura- tions to optimize tablet shape and cup geometry. ‰is not only gives the opportunity to evaluate different tablet ge- ometries for post-compres- sion processes such as coating but also has the advantage of helping evaluate different tablet geometries for tablet- ing defects such as sticking/ picking, capping, and edge erosion/chipping. Maintaining Tablet Quality During Scale-up Natoli Quick-Release™ Tooling is a major advance- ment for tablet compression. It helps resolve tableting issues in the development stage, allowing manufactur- ers to speed time to produc- tion and reduce costs. Natoli Quick-Release™ Tooling pro- vides the opportunity to eas- ily and quickly test different dwell times without the ex- pense of buying several sets of tools and can determine ideal dwell times on a small-turret R&D tablet press before scale- up to a production press. Na- toli Quick-Release™ Tooling allows research and devel- opment teams to mitigate or solve tableting challenges in the development stage before scale-up to full production. Visit for more information or to get a quote on our innovative Quick-Release ™ Tooling.

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