Tablets & Capsules


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PNEUMATIC CONVEYING COMPONENTS & SYSTEMS • BULK BAG LOADING & UNLOADING SYSTEMS BAG DUMP STATIONS • FLEXIBLE SCREW CONVEYORS • AERO-MECHANICAL CONVEYORS MULTI-INGREDIENT HANDLING SYSTEMS • BATCH WEIGHING & SCALING SYSTEMS UL-CONTROLS & CONTROL PACKAGES • MOBILE VACUUM CONVEYING SYSTEMS Ingredient Handling. Guaranteed Perfor Perfor Per mance. Let us solve your Bulk Material Handling Challenges. Visit or call (800) VAC-U-MAX. More than 60 years of custom Application Experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Over 10,000 different powder and bulk materials handled. Application expertise in handling tablets, gel caps, powders, API's, and excipients for batch and continuous processing. And an airtight Performance Guarantee. It's what makes VAC-U-MAX as unique and trusted as the Vacuum Conveying Solutions we design. From Components to Fully-Automated Systems, we create Pharmaceutical Processing Solutions entirely around your needs and goals. VAC-U-MAX MDL105017—Sanitary Vacuum Receiver for fine powders and granules, conveys up to 4,000 pounds per hour. VAC3509 Product 7x10_PCF2-TC_Sourcebook17.indd 1 4/27/2017 1:25:22 PM

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