TDN Weekend

July 2018

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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TDN D estinations By ALAYNA CULLEN August is a wonderful month for racing–a month that allows you to not only enjoy some great racing performances, but also allows attendees to immerse themselves in the culture and tradition of a racing festival. The Galway Festival is abundant in both. Running from July 30th to August 5th, the Galway Festival takes place at Ballybrit Racecourse, situated about 20 minutes away from the eclectic centre of Galway in the West of Ireland. While Irish racing may be best known for Irish Champions Weekend, held between Dublin and Kildare, or the Irish Derby Weekend in Kildare, and the West of Ireland is best known for the Cliffs of Moher, it is the Galway Festival that truly showcases the real nature of Irish culture.

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