TDN Weekend

July 2018

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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Page 67 of 91

By PERRY LEFKO Woodbine Entertainment Group is re- spected for its spectacular training and rac- ing facilities, considered among the best in the world, but within the last few years it has gained additional respect for its excep- tional white-glove concierge service for visiting horsemen. From the moment they make the deci- sion to come to Woodbine to the time they leave, there is someone to take care of their every need – both for the front stretch and the backstretch – and this applies to every- thing from allowance races to Grade Is. "Trainers and owners that are out of town make a choice to come to Woodbine to com- pete, that's very important and we want to repay that by giving them the best experi- ence," says Jonathan Zammit, who is in his first year as WEG's Vice-President of Thor- oughbred Racing. "We want to make that as easy as possible. There's so much emphasis on new guests coming to the track and all that stuff with the young generation and that's very important, but for me and my team we live in the world where the own- er and the trainer is our guest. That's the

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