TDN Weekend

July 2018

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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It is perhaps a relief to find that Chantilly has not yet gone the way of some of the supermarket-sized stables in Newmarket, meaning that the current tally of around 2,500 resident Thoroughbreds is spread more evenly between the area's 110 trainers. Only five of them have strings that run into three figures—André Fabre, Freddy Head, Fabrice Chappet, Alain de Royer Dupré, and Henri-Francois Devin, who recently completed the purchase of Criquette Head's former yard. Just as hunting preceded racing in the town, naturally Thoroughbreds were preceded by hunters, a number of which were owned by Louis-Henri de Bourbon, the 7th Prince de Condé. His fervent belief in the fact that he would be reincarnated as a horse led to him building the Grandes Ecuries (Great Stables) to which he hoped he would one day return in his four-legged guise. Nowadays, the stables provide an imposing backdrop to a day's racing at Chantilly, a place to which any fan of the sport would long to return.

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