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34 January 2015 Tablets & Capsules A survey of what's available Granulation and drying equipment Company offers range of lab-, pilot-, and production-scale granulation and drying equipment. Granulation equipment includes top-spray and rotor tangential-spray fluid-bed processors; top- and bottom-drive, high-shear wet granu - lation and mixing processors; and roller compactors. Lab- scale equipment conserves material during feasibility studies; pilot-scale and production equipment is engineered to ease scale-up. Company offers engineering and system design, process development and testing lab, technical field service, and validation programs. Photo shows GMX-600 high-shear granulator, VFC-120X 12-bar fluid-bed processor, integrated Compu 4 controls, and wet-dry mill. Freund-Vector, Marion, IA. Tel. 319 377 8263 Granulation-drying system Granulation-drying system's centrifugal sifter, spheroidizer, fluid-bed dryer, and vibratory screener transform lumpy, sticky, or otherwise difficult-to-handle materials into uniform, free-flowing granules. Compact Centri-Sifter uses helical paddles to drive moist materials through its screen to make pellets more economically than screw-type extruders. Spheroidizer densifies sifter's output to size, density, and uniformity that you determine. Vibratory dryer drives heated air through particle bed on first-in, first-out basis, then conveys them to Vibroscreen screener for removal of over- size particles and dust. System can be sized to handle small or large volumes, and components are available as stand- alone units. Kason, Millburn, NJ. Tel. 973 467 8140 granulation & drying Milling flash dryer Milling flash dryer reduces particle size using high-velocity particle-to-particle collisions driven by low-pressure, hot-air jets. Unit has no moving parts and comminutes variety of feed materials, including pharmaceutical powders, filter/centrifuge cakes, and back-mixed slurries. Materials enter dryer via rotary valve, venturi, feeder, or atomizer. Typical residence times of 0.5 to 2 seconds enable drying- milling of temperature-sensitive materials. Static classifier minimizes milled product's maximum particle size. Energy- efficient unit has smallest footprint among gas-suspension dryers. Crown Iron Works, Roseville, MN. Tel. 651 639 8900

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