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Gale IMPACT 1 To order, call 1-800-877-4253 Library Journal's annual budget survey reveals that the future of libraries is looking brighter than it has in nearly a decade. So what does the future look like? Librarians on Marty McFly- style hoverboards? ILL via instant book teleportation? Maybe. But more realistically, the library of the future is embedded in the community, funded unquestionably by its stakeholders, and undoubted in value. And while modest improvements to budgets is abundantly welcome, many libraries still struggle with funding, outdated community perceptions, and a lack of resources. While Gale isn't in the space-time continuum business, we've identified three areas in which to focus our efforts in helping libraries realize this vision. Building the Library Brand through Sponsorships and Advocacy Advocacy has been at the heart of Gale's mission for 60 years, and we're excited to expand our efforts in 2015. As continuing lead sponsor of Library Journal's Lead the Change events and now, the new Online Leadership Academy, we're committed to ensuring the library leaders of today and tomorrow have the tools and resources to advance themselves, their libraries, and their communities. New this year, we're introducing a partnership with EveryLibrary and the launch of a 10-month campaign to engage technology and business communities. Business research services and support are as pervasive in libraries as storytime, and we aim to increase awareness of these programs not only among local entrepreneurs, but to the incubators, accelerators, and venture funds that power the next generation of business development in this country. Through these efforts, as well as the products (p. 19), programs, and services to support them, we believe libraries can make and measure real impact on education and economic advancement in their communities. Revitalizing Research and Education with Innovative Programs In addition to developing innovative resources such as Analytics On Demand (p. 15, 34) and expanding our collection of library- focused professional development eBooks on GVRL (inside front cover), we've also made an even greater commitment to education at the library. Libraries across the country have established themselves as education providers with programs like Career Online High School (p. 13, 14, 16) and Gale Courses (p. 17). And available for the first time through Gale are Miss Humblebee's Academy (p. 7, 16), an interactive pre-K literacy resource, and self-paced business and technology courses from online learning pioneer, Skillsoft (p. 17). Whether your customers want to read by age three or deserve a second chance at a high school diploma, your library can help. Translating Strategy into Action Of course, it takes more than great products and the commitment of sponsors to move forward. It takes inspiring leaders. We're honored to share the insights of your trusted colleagues—be sure to read the editorial contributions of: Vailey Oehkle, Director at Multnomah County Library and PLA President, on building a future-proof strategy (p. 18). Misty Jones, Director, San Diego Public Library, sharing how to develop an identity and build your brand (p. 6). Steven Potter, Director, Mid-Continent Public Library, encouraging libraries to innovate in spite of obstacles (p. 14). Rivkah Sass, Director, Sacramento Public Library, providing insights on embracing the book brand (p. 9). I look to libraries of the present and see energy, innovation, and a purposeful transformation that I know guarantees a long and vibrant life. Let's partner now to continue to do what's necessary to build a better brand for today's library. For your library. For the future of libraries. Your partner, Brian Risse Vice President, Public Library Sales Gale, a part of Cengage Learning Embracing a Bright Future: Three Ways We Support Our Library Partners ON THE COVER: The inspiration for the illustration Josephine Community Libraries (JCL) increased its Gale database usage by 230% over previous years. By using public presentations with a "how-to" delivery style, JCL's librarians are able to meet people where they are on topics they care about. JCL's efforts were executed under the umbrella of The Expanding Opportunities Program, funded by the Library Services and Technology Act, which aims to increase information literacy in the areas of employability, education, and entrepreneurship. The grant provides a full-time staff member to educate community members about the modern library available at their fingertips. JCL frames its demonstrations in ways that are relevant to each group. Everyone needs health information, and live searches highlight content that people value. Presenters know people are hooked when they say "Walk me through logging on again?" and "How exactly do I get a library card?'" Enthusiastic testimonials from each session led to invitations to present to other groups. Learn more about JCL and the value they provide to their community at

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