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Your Secret Weapon! 8 Ways To Give Local Businesses An Edge DEMOGRAPHICSNOW B U S I N E S S A N D P E O P L E These robust assets allow libraries to replace multiple product subscriptions with one affordable resource your users will return to time and again for business information. Small business owners can compile a variety of reports—standard and custom—that will help them make informed decisions. DemographicsNow: Business and People helps boost your local economy by providing: Trial DemographicsNow and other business products at 1 Customer upload and data blending — Users can obtain Census block-group demographic data, maps, and more on their actual customers. Other eye- opening data is also available for B2B businesses. 2 Advanced mapping — Customizable and printable maps show road, aerial, or base views. With advanced mapping tools, people and business demographics can be thematically colored and more. 3 Demographic data — Easy to generate reports on any geography—or comparing multiple geographies — for information including income, housing, race, age, education, retail spending, consumer expenditures, and more via the U.S. Census, American Community Survey, and other authoritative sources. 4 Out-of-business lists —Great for scoping out potential locations with over 12 million records, so entrepreneurs can see failures of similar businesses. 5 Data visualization tool — Ability to use custom GIS files as geographies with the ability to extract household/business demographics, names and addresses, and customer segmentation data directly from the mapping tool. 6 Simmons National Consumer Study — Brings consumer targets to life with vivid and complete profiles, including lifestyles, attitudes, brand preferences and media use. The nationally representative study is the result of a comprehensive, continuously fielded survey of approximately 25,000 U.S. adults. 7 Unique Data — MPSI TrafficMetrix ® historically counts vehicle traffic moving across U.S. roadways. Plus, the ability to capture demographics data by school districts. 8 Interoperability — Users can just enter a geography once and it will apply throughout product without having to be reentered.

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