Tablets & Capsules


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32 June 2015 Tablets & Capsules Solid Dosage SourceBook Coating Place About Us Coating Place, Inc. is the leader in Wurster fluid bed formulation development, technical transfer and commercial manufacturing. The original management, with over 40 years of coating experience remains active in the development of formulations and new technology. Our production staff in- cludes numerous employees with more than 20 years of coating experience. The combined experience of our company's management and staff makes Coating Place the industries choice for every coating need. CPI has received three patents for our ion resin drug release system. It allows us to create 12 hour time release liquid suspensions that can match the profiles of sustained release solid dosage forms. These good tasting easy to swallow liquids make it simple to take your medicine wherever you go. Facilities Our 185,000 ft 2 FDA registered facility is located in Verona, Wisconsin, USA. Production suites are equipped with a range of Wurster fluid bed coating units that accommodate batch sizes ranging from 0.010 to over 600kg. CPI continues to develop, manufacture, and operate proprietary cutting edge Wurster coating equipment. Services offered include bead layering, extrusion/ spheronization, roller compaction, capsule filling, tablet compression and pan coating. Coating capabilities include softgels, hard shell capsules and tablets. The facility has a large capacity for the handling and disposing of organic solvents allowing formulations to be developed in either organic solvents or aqueous coating processes. Honest and confidential research and manufacturing services have made us the leader and most trusted in the industry. Services CPI provides a complete range of services from formulation development, feasibility studies, technology transfer, scale-up, to commercial manufacturing with full analytical support. Coating Place, Inc. 200 Paoli Street, PO Box 930310 Verona, WI 53593 Tel: 608 845 95213 FAX: 608 845 9526 Email: Website: Formulation services include controlled oral delivery such as enteric, delayed, or sustained release coating. Other coating applications include moisture or oxygen barrier and taste masking. Our chemists have successfully developed a wide range of formulations and applied them to an equally wide range of core materials. Formulations are designed to meet your desired outcome. The possibilities are almost limitless. Markets Served Coating Place provides Wurster coating and other manufacturing services to the following markets: • Rx, Branded and Generic • OTC • Controlled Substance (Schedule II –V)

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