Pinnacle Real Estate Partners

Pinnacle Real Estate Partners

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ELECtROnIC nEwSLEttERS. Pinnacle Real Estate produces electronic newsletters to selected databases where buyers can see and read about real estate for sale in the Lake Area. nEIghBORhOOd nEtwORkIng. Pinnacle Real Estate frequently canvases neighborhoods with information about a neighborhood property for sale. It is not unusual for buyers or friends of buyers to come from this source. SOCIAL mEdIA. Social Media continues to reach an important market segment and occasionally brings potential buyers. Again, marketing is the critical key. Pinnacle Real Estate is the Pro-Active marketing leader at the Lake of the Ozarks. Give us a call and let us discuss how we would recommend effectively and efficiently marketing your property at The Lake of the Ozarks. wE dO mARkEtIng RIght - IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

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