Retail Observer

June 2017

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM JUNE 2017 4 Eliana Barriga So get playful and have some fun! JUNE 2017, VOLUME 28, ISSUE 6 CELEBRATING OUR 28 TH YEAR AS THE RETAIL OBSERVER PUBLISHER/MANAGING EDITOR E LIANA BARRIGA DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING MOE LASTFOGEL ART DIRECTOR TERRY PRICE CONTRIBUTING WRITERS MIKE ALLEN PAUL MAC DONALD JIM SENDRAK JOHN TSCHOHL E LLY VALAS LIBBY WAGNER RALPH E. WOLFF DOUG WREDE DEADLINE FOR AUGUST 2017 ISSUE: JULY 1, 2017 THE RETAIL OBSERVER 2764 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Suite 508 Henderson, NV 89014-2121 800.393.0509 • 702.208.9500 Fax 702.570.5664 To receive a copy of The Retail Observer online, or to unsubscribe, please go to The Retail Observer website is hosted by Market Digitally Printed on Recycled Paper THE RETAIL I t's summertime, and time to nail down those last minute summer plans. Travel, concerts, sailing lessons, family gatherings, some BBQ and pool time. Maybe this is the year for you to take that vacation of a lifetime you have been dreaming about–relaxing, unwinding and having a little fun! What are you going to do to take care of YOU? Remember, it's all about the journey– more than the destination, as they say. Are you on your journey or standing on the sidelines watching the game of life? Are you living your life to the fullest? Are you nurturing your heart by spending time with the ones that mean the most to you? I invite you again, to stop and think a little bit more about your personal priorities. Check out the vacation habits of the Europeans! Many take a month off in the summer together as a family and travel to the coast to enjoy the fresh sea air and downtime to recharge and refresh–taking time to walk on the beach, soak in mineral springs, and enjoy the pampering menus at the many spas to rejuvenate their body, mind and soul. In doing so, our perspectives change, our energy strengthens, and our bodies take the needed rest to continue on our journey of life. Only when we take care of ourselves can we nurture our families as well as our businesses. We return with clarity and a renewed vision. So, summer is for fun! Swimming, sun, sports and travel, food and family– you get the picture. So bring it to your store. We all want to feel good and have fun along the way. Remember, your clients and customers can be just as stressed as you are. What if you could make it feel like a mini-vacation when they come to your store? You could theme your weekends, play some carnival games with little giveaways. People like to win something! Enter them into a monthly drawing for a really cool prize like dinner for 2 at a local restaurant, a weekend getaway, tickets to a sporting event or even a cruise. Feel good, word of mouth advertising doesn't get much better than that! SUMMER DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN Elle's View As I See It

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